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About TNTMaarten

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  1. TNTMaarten

    Can`t Join Most Of The Games

    Ok i fixed it:D, the problem was or were 234 ace files in the originally addons directory (which i didnt us, i have everything as it should be in @ directory`s). i didnt had a problem with it when i only played Arma 2 but after i bought Operation Arrowhead the problem showed up.:confused: And Meek i clicked on your spoiler, it was delicious:bounce3: (you know what i mean) -------------Problem Solved-----------
  2. TNTMaarten

    Can`t Join Most Of The Games

    Ok im gonna post some pictures of my problem today for you guys to better understand it Edit: I looked in my originally addons directory and there are also some files in it with start with ace, so can i delete all of them?
  3. TNTMaarten

    Can`t Join Most Of The Games

    Ok, can i just delete my addons directory or are there also original files from arma inside? I am not putting mod files in the original addons directory by myself, im doing that right with the @ACE @CBA etc.
  4. TNTMaarten

    Can`t Join Most Of The Games

    No, i already did. For some weird reason i always need cba to run operation arrowhead so if i only run the game with cba it`s still the same
  5. Ok here`s my problem, if i want to go play a multiplayer match i can only join a few servers. most of the servers are marked with a red dot and say no connection or something like that, or they say that i need signed keys while i only have ace installed and i installed it with the six updater tool. please help me. i only can join a few servers and i cant join the more populair servers:butbut:
  6. I really want it to work together too, i like to make missions in the editor just as a sort of free roam missions but without the sec op manager its getting a bit boring...:(