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About Willoughby

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  1. Willoughby

    Map stuttering, long loading time

    out of interest, what size heightmap (hence cell size) are you using on this 5x5km terrain? I've found that going down to 2m cell size can cause this on my maps, so I now stick with a 5m or 10m cell size also, I find the rougher my terrain (i.e. the more noise i add to simulate small depressions in the ground) also makes for longer load times in game
  2. Willoughby

    How to: Keypoints

    thanks a lot for posting - just what i was looking for
  3. Willoughby

    Bit of help please

    if the world displays correctly while previewing from Visitor i.e. ground textures match your MASK layer, then it might simply be a config error - are you using clutter from ARMA1 (plants.pbo)??? - if yes you have to have depoe'd it and placed it in your CA folder in your Visitor working directory if you're NOT using the ARMA1 plants.pbo then try tweaking your config file by replacing any clutter definitions (cfgclutter, cfgsurfaces) with clutter from the ARMA2 plants2.pbo
  4. Yes, it's possible - in fact I prefer creating my height maps by hand using PSP7, gives me much better control about where to place rough terrain, gullies, smooth areas for roads, etc. just remember to save the image in 16bit grayscale (PSP7 only saves in 8bit so after saving in PNG format I re-open the image in Wilbur terrain editor and save as 16bit).
  5. Willoughby

    Spritz Island 1.0 released

    Google Earth shows Greek island of KEA is a likely candidate - check it out Shezan?
  6. Willoughby

    Spritz Island 1.0 released

    Really like this Island, can see you put a lot of work into it and as a result it has a nicely realistic feel to it, well done! The DEM data you've used is spot on and has given plenty of shallow dips and rises in the terrain where both the player and AI can take cover or find sheltered firing positions. Add to this the abundance of bushes/rocks, and the micro AI is really given a chance to shine! FPS are also good on my ageing rig (AMDx2 3ghz, ati 4850). Couple of suggestions - perhaps instead of the 'Stubble' clutter try 'GrassAutumnBrown' mixed with a little standard 'GrassAutumn' (I've already tried it using cfgsurface coverage of 0.5 and 0.2 and it blends well with your Sat_Lco). Only other thing is the TIMBER piles look a little out place on the steeper slopes. Again, well done.