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-TG- Tek

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Everything posted by -TG- Tek

  1. Thanks for clearing it up ;) seems safe then to run OA with ARMA2 content on the server for those of us with merged installs and make missions for those with both installed . Maybe be good also run a plain OA server and a merged content server also.
  2. this does not really answer my question....so let me be more specific: If a server is running OA along with the Arma 2 content enabled, will newer versions of ACE beyond 1.3 and above still work with said server setup? I gather from what you said above that if adding Arma 2 content (merged install) to a OA server running ACE above 1.3 beaks something that you are not going to bother with finding out why or fixing it in a later release if the bug is caused by arma 2 content. Really this boils down to should the community as a whole forget about arma 2 with OA merged install if you are going to be running ACE on the OA server. This is the buzz going on latley , should we forget about arma 2 and just make missions and play stand alone OA with the new release of ACE only. Xeno, Can you clarify? I'm guessing you are not developing ACE from a merged install going forward also , true?
  3. Can we get some clarification of how ACE will interact with merged installs? Will ACE support merged installs? or will ACE be stand alone for OA only? I do hope that ACE will work with a merged install as our community is waiting to see how the ACE team will handle this before we begin major mission design and server setup. Many want to run a merged install server so we have arma 2 and arrowhead content with ACE. Can someone on the ACE team please clairfy how this will work? Also will there be a server side option to turn off stamina restriction or allow them to be a server side setting? Could one of the ACE team mabe visit our forums and see this thread and respond? http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-2-general-discussion/164811-arma2-dead-now-merged-install-servers-see-inside-discuss.html Thanks!!