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About draxious

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  1. thank you, I did this for both arma II and Operation arrow head, and i still receive the same error
  2. ok this may seem very noobish but how do I do that i have no idea
  3. I have got a screen shot of the error I'm receiving in steam, can someone please help me fix this. I have tried to run the zip file that was listed by dwarden in another thread, nothing is working for me. Thank you in advance for your help
  4. I bought the package from Steam of both Arma II and Operation Arrowhead, however when i go to try and play the game I keep getting an error that says I have an invalid serial number can anybody please help me out
  5. When ever I go to play the game, I keep getting invalid serial # and the game closes is there any way to fix this? thank you for your help