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Everything posted by Postal0311

  1. Postal0311

    LITE mission package

    I really enjoy these missions. I have played each several times and look forward to playing them with my friends. Thanks.
  2. Postal0311

    Patch 1.56 Bug reports

    Bug PMC: In the defense of airfield mission, if both players get in the enemy APC the game will count that as both players getting in the SUV and will end the mission.
  3. William, thanks for explaining a bit about how the troops are chosen to be loaded. I often found it odd that sometimes it seemed to work perfectly, and other times the planner made very odd decisions. Hopefully the better I understand what the planner is doing the more I can get preferable outcomes. The very first mission I made in planned assault included a long ride in the back of an open truck. Reminded me of all the times I rode in trucks while I was in the service. Rolling in a truck towards the objective as the sun was rising. Good fun. +1 on the ground cargo. Would love to be able to start guys off in trucks. Could you please explain how preference for command of indirect fire assets are handled? I made a mission like your tutorial on the sniper team using arty to take out armor and really enjoyed it. However other times I have attempted to do similar my team doesn't end up with control over the arty.
  4. Here is another request for LZ to be a little farther away from the objectives. In all of my experiments my little bird gets fired upon as it is landing. Half the time getting shot out of the air before it landed. It was funny, the first mission I made with the littlebird, I got out safe then my AI team mate and the little bird got taken out by a tank shell.
  5. Postal0311

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    I look forward to the L129A1 in game. It is rapidly becoming one of my favorite rifles(as I own one now). If you would like some pictures at various angles, I can provide some. However I am not a great photographer.
  6. Postal0311

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Is the campaign coop?
  7. Postal0311

    [SP/MP Coop/Deathmatch] Safety Pin

    I played 0.76 with a friend. The mission is certainly interesting. However we think there is still a good bit of room for improvement. It seems to us that the NATO forces have far too much airpower. Insurgents get one AA rocket, and there are three air units. We would often down the Apache but later get wasted by a different air unit. We would request you cut the A10, perhaps the Apache too. However the CH47 is a must stay. This would also be a good mission for a revive script, certainly for the insurgents who are outnumbered and out gunned. Perhaps we are playing wrong, but every time we waited for the convoy we never saw the target vehicle. We always ended up in a fight with humvees, light armor, and helos. Cool mission, thanks. Look forward to trying .77 Beta.