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About martinda

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  1. martinda

    OA respawn

    THANK YOU SAJUUK!! I exported the mission.sqm file and created a new folder with mission.sqm and description.ext and IT WORKED! :) When you export to mp mission it creates the pbo file... BUT THANKS AGAIN! :D
  2. martinda

    OA respawn

    Already tried it, but giving it another go :) ---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ---------- Okay, I tried it again and it is still not working. In MPMissions I have two files, the "respawn.Desert_E.pbo" and the "description.ext". I load up the game, go to multiplayer and select "new". After the mission is loaded I kill myself with a grenade but it goes to the bird... Content of description.ext: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 2; respawnDialog = false; Marker is created in the editor with "respawn_west". What am I doing wrong?
  3. martinda

    OA respawn

    I tried to make a lan game and killed myself with a grenade, but it still went to the bird view... What "name" should the marker be? respawn_west?
  4. martinda

    OA respawn

    sorry not for writing it, but I have already tried it... does the respawn only work on a dedicated server?
  5. Hi Guys New into the scripting thing but I'm trying to make respawning work in OA... I've been trying this: but its for arma 2 but I gave it a chance...I read somewhere that changing the marker from respawn_west to srespawn_BIS_US should do it... but nothing... Been googling and searching this forum but its the same "respawn_west" it finds... I have tried it from the editor and creating a new mp game... but nothing sry for bad english :)