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Everything posted by Gamerz

  1. OK the scene start, but the camera is not attached to "heli1" in the plan 1 for example. I want to my camera is attached to the helicopter "heli1" in the first scene and look to "H2" Actually, the camera appears on the Heli1 pos but stand by on this and don't follow the heli1. you know what i mean ?
  2. Arma2 won't load default map "Scene" or "Intromission" in background menu. config.cpp #include "IsolaDiCapraia.hpp" class CfgPatches { class IsolaDiCapraia { units[] = {"IsolaDiCapraia"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"objets_idc","CAData","CABuildings","CAMisc","CABuildings2","CARoads2","CA_E","CARoads_E","CARocks_E","CAStructures_E","CAMisc_E"}; }; }; class Cfgmusic { class Capri1 { name = "Nara"; sound[] = {"NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\Scenes\Nara.ogg",1.0,1.0}; }; class Capri2 { name = "Your Winter"; sound[] = {"NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\Scenes\Your_Winter.ogg",1.0,1.0}; }; class Capri3 { name = "The Prophet"; sound[] = {"NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\Scenes\The_Prophet.ogg",1.0,1.0}; }; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class CapraiaIntro1 { directory = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\Scenes\intro.isoladicapraia"; }; }; }; class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class DefaultLighting_CA : DefaultLighting {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultClutter { scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class DefaultWorld; // External class reference class CAWorld : DefaultWorld { class Grid {}; }; class IsolaDiCapraia : CAWorld { access = 3; worldId = 8; cutscenes[] = {"CapraiaIntro1"}; description = "Capraia"; icon = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\icon\iconNGS.paa"; worldName = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\IsolaDiCapraia.wrp"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\data\ui_Capraia_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "ML$ - #####"; plateLetters = "ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ"; longitude = -09; latitude = -43; midDetailTexture = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\data\Sand_2.paa"; author = "NGStudio"; class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1{ zoomMax = 0.015; format = "XY"; formatX = "0000"; formatY = "0000"; stepX = 10; stepY = 10; }; class Zoom2{ zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom3{ zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom4{ zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; startTime = 11:30; startDate = 01/06/2010; startWeather = 0.1; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastFog = 0.0; seagullPos[] = {1272.84, 150.0, 14035}; centerPosition[] = {2500, 2500, 300}; drawTaxiway = 0; ilsPosition[] ={985.23,8464.15,0}; ilsDirection[] ={0,0.08,-1}; ilsTaxiIn[]={ 1295.54,9045.04, // service path middle point 1295.74,8404.81, // point on runway to start there 1287.11,8394.45, // point on runway to start there 1009,8394.5, // point on runway to start there 992.188,8399.63, // point on runway to start there 985.23,8409.79, // align with runway 985.23,8435.5, // align with runway // ******,*****, // align with runway }; ilsTaxiOff[]={ 985.23,8464.15, //ilsPos, // touchdown point on runway 985.23,9517.3, // move to taxi-off point 991.327,9529.47, // start turning 1005.38,9534.84, // move to taxi-path 1284.93,9534.63, // move to taxi-path 1290.63,9533.29, // move to taxi-path 1295.74,9526.4, // move to taxi-path 1295.54,9045.04, // move on service path to middle point }; class ReplaceObjects {}; class Land_Terrace_K_1_EP12{ scope = 1; model = "ca\structures_e\housek\Terrace_K_1_EP1"; vehicleClass = "Test"; destrType = "DestructNo"; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Lighting : DefaultLighting {}; clutterGrid = 1.11; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 5; minTreesInForestSquare = 3; minRocksInRockSquare = 4; class Subdivision { class Fractal { rougness = 5; maxRoad = 0.02; maxTrack = 0.5; maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; maxRoad = 0.01; maxTrack = 0.05; maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; minY = 0.0; minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient { class BigBirds { radius = 300; cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class Hawk { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class Birds { radius = 170; cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))"; class Species { class Seagull { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsects { radius = 20; cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; class ButterFly { probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsectsAquatic { radius = 20; cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class WindClutter { radius = 10; cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class FxWindGrass1 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindGrass2 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindRock1 { probability = "0.4 * hills"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf1 { probability = "0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf2 { probability = "0.1 * trees + 0.2"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf3 { probability = "0.1 * trees"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NoWindClutter { radius = 15; cost = "(20 * (windy factor [0.1, 0.2])) * meadow * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses)"; class Species { class FxWindPollen1 { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class SmallInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class HouseFly { probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class HoneyBee { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class Mosquito { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NightInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class Mosquito { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; }; class Names { #include "IsolaDiCapraia.hpp" }; class clutter { class Iso_GrassDry : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_GrassDryLong : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassDryLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.85; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_GrassGreen : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class Iso_GrassGreenLong : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassGreenLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.8; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_BrushHard : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Hard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class Iso_BrushSoft : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.8; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class Iso_PlantsViolet : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_Violet_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class Iso_PlantsWhite : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_White_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class Iso_Weed1 : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Weed_1_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.65; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_WeedThistle : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Weed_Thistle_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class Iso_champ : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_stubble.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; }; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class IsoGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.89, 0.03, 0.02}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassDry", "Iso_BrushHard", "Iso_PlantsWhite"}; }; class IsoDesertClutter { probability[] = {0.06, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005}; names[] = {"Iso_BrushSoft", "Iso_BrushHard", "Iso_PlantsWhite", "Iso_WeedThistle"}; }; class IsoDesertClutter2 { probability[] = {0.0}; names[] = {"Iso_BrushSoft"}; }; class IsoForestClutter { probability[] = {1.05}; names[] = {"Iso_champ"}; }; class IsoWeedsClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassDry", "Iso_GrassDryLong", "Iso_Weed1", "Iso_WeedThistle", "Iso_BrushHard"}; }; class IsoFieldGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.02, 0.01, 0.02}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassGreen", "Iso_GrassGreenLong", "Iso_PlantsWhite", "Iso_PlantsViolet", "Iso_Weed1"}; }; class IsoSandClutter { probability[] = {0.0}; names[] = {"Iso_Weed1"}; }; }; class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class Water {}; class IsoPolopoust : Default { access = 2; files = "roche_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoDesertClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoPolopoust2 : Default { access = 2; files = "roche2_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoDesertClutter2"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoTrava : Default { access = 2; files = "herbe_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "IsoGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoForest : Default { access = 2; files = "terre_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoForestClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class Isosable : Default { access = 2; files = "sable_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "sand"; character = "IsoSandClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class IsolaDiCapraia {}; }; Have an idea ? Capraia's PBO Alpha for try V2alpha version.
  3. Thank's so much Bushlurcker But, what is the difference between - flatarea, (in field ?) - flatarea city, (around/in city) ? - flatarea citysmall, (around/in city) small zone ? - StrongPointarea, ?? I look that http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7784 All existing keypoints In Arma 2 : Name Strategic StrongpointArea FlatArea FlatAreaCity FlatAreaCitySmall CityCenter Airport NameMarine NameCityCapital NameCity NameVillage NameLocal Hill ViewPoint RockArea BorderCrossing VegetationBroadleaf VegetationFir VegetationPalm VegetationVineyard fak HQ Custom -----------------My *.hpp---------- /* 1 : Malizia - namevillage : NV_Malizia - citycenter : CC_Malizia */ class NV_Malizia { name="Malizia"; position[]={5690.29,9590.53}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Malizia { name=""; position[]={5690.29,9590.53}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=190; radiusB=190; neighbors[] = {"CC_LaRoca","CC_PortoVecchio","CC_AirField"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 2 : La Roca - namevillage : NV_LaRoca - citycenter : CC_LaRoca */ class NV_LaRoca { name="La Roca"; position[]={5664.65,9444.73}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_LaRoca { name=""; position[]={5664.65,9444.73}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=140; radiusB=140; neighbors[] = {"CC_Malizia","CC_LaTorreRagna"}; Angle = 0; }; /*: 3 : La Torre Ragna - namevillage : NV_LaTorreRagna - citycenter : CC_LaTorreRagna */ class NV_LaTorreRagna { name="La Torre Ragna"; position[]={5574.91,9248.51}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_LaTorreRagna { name=""; position[]={5574.91,9248.51}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=80; radiusB=80; neighbors[] = {"CC_PortoVecchio","CC_LaRoca","CC_ForteSanGorgio"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 4 : Forte San Gorgio - namelocal : NL_ForteSanGorgio - citycenter : CC_ForteSanGorgio */ class NL_ForteSanGorgio { name="Forte San Gorgio"; position[]={5322.77,8923.18}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_ForteSanGorgio { name=""; position[]={5322.77,8923.18}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=140; radiusB=140; neighbors[] = {"CC_LaTorreRagna","CC_Pescara"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 5 : Pescara - namevillage : NV_Pescara - citycenter : CC_Pescara */ class NV_Pescara { name="Pescara"; position[]={5079.35,8489.95}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Pescara { name=""; position[]={5079.35,8489.95}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; neighbors[] = {"CC_Vione","CC_ForteSanGorgio","CC_Valorosi","CC_AirField"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 5 : Valorosi - namevillage : NV_Valorosi - citycenter : CC_Valorosi */ class NV_Valorosi { name="Valorosi"; position[]={5990.06,7141.43}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Valorosi { name=""; position[]={5990.06,7141.43}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=170; radiusB=170; neighbors[] = {"CC_Vione","CC_Miniera","CC_Pescara","CC_ForteAlma"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 6 : Forte Alma - namelocal : NL_ForteAlma - citycenter : CC_ForteAlma */ class NL_ForteAlma { name="Forte Alma"; position[]={6459.87,7407.34}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_ForteAlma { name=""; position[]={6459.87,7407.34}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=200; radiusB=200; neighbors[] = {"CC_Valorosi","CC_PortoVecchio"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 7 : Porto Vecchio - namelocal : NL_PortoVecchio - citycenter : CC_PortoVecchio */ class NL_PortoVecchio { name="Porto Vecchio"; position[]={6618.78,6875.57}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_PortoVecchio { name=""; position[]={6571.34,6768.06}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=300; radiusB=300; neighbors[] = {"CC_Corsaro","CC_Miniera","CC_ForteAlma"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 8 : Corsaro - namevillage : NV_Corsaro - cityCenter : CC_Corsaro */ class NV_Corsaro { name="Corsaro"; position[]={6757.33,6652.24}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Corsaro { name=""; position[]={6753.77,6649.42}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=250; radiusB=120; neighbors[] = {"CC_PortoVecchio","CC_Capri","CC_CampoPetrolifero"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 9 : La Miniera - namelocal : NL_Miniera - citycenter : CC_Miniera */ class NL_Miniera { name="La Miniera"; position[]={6466.54,6507.16}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Miniera { name=""; position[]={6466.54,6507.16}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=180; radiusB=140; neighbors[] = {"CC_Valorosi","CC_PortoVecchio","CC_Capri"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 10 : Capri - namecity : NC_Capri - citycenter : CC_Capri */ class NC_Capri { name="Capri"; position[]={6387.02,6327.49}; type="NameCity"; radiusA=200; radiusB=200; }; class CC_Capri { name=""; position[]={6446.78,6320.82}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=220; radiusB=270; neighbors[] = {"CC_Corsaro","CC_Miniera","CC_CampoMilitare","CC_Military_depot"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 11 : Campo Militare - namelocal : NL_CampoMilitare - citycenter : CC_CampoMilitare */ class NL_CampoMilitare { name="Campo Militare"; position[]={7021.04,6291.18}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_CampoMilitare { name=""; position[]={7062.52,6279.33}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=130; radiusB=130; neighbors[] = {"CC_Capri","CC_CampoPetrolifero","CC_Military_depot"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 12 : Campo Petrolifero - namelocal : NL_CampoPetrolifero - citycenter : CC_CampoPetrolifero */ class NL_CampoPetrolifero { name="Campo Petrolifero"; position[]={7291.84,6332.52}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_CampoPetrolifero { name=""; position[]={7330.85,6334}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=160; radiusB=230; neighbors[] = {"CC_Corsaro","CC_Villa","CC_CampoMilitare","CC_Segheria"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 13 : Segheria - namelocal : NL_Segheria - citycenter : CC_Segheria */ class NL_Segheria { name="Segheria"; position[]={7195.65,5318.98}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Segheria { name=""; position[]={7210.96,5314.54}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; neighbors[] = {"CC_Villa","CC_CasaDiLegno","CC_CampoPetrolifero"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 16 : Fattoria - namelocal : NL_Fattoria - citycenter : CC_Fatoria */ class NL_Fattoria { name="Fattoria"; position[]={5971.22,5004.64}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Fattoria { name=""; position[]={5993.05,5013.79}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; neighbors[] = {"CC_CasaDiLegno","CC_Military_depot","CC_IlSaracino","CC_Onore"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 21 : Casa di legno - namelocal : NL_CasaDiLegno - citycenter : CC_CasaDiLegno */ class NL_CasaDiLegno { name="Casa Di Legno"; position[]={6641.76,4587.69}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_CasaDiLegno { name=""; position[]={6663.06,4589.85}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=50; radiusB=50; neighbors[] = {"CC_Onore","CC_Segheria","CC_Fatoria"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 14 : Speranza - namevillage : NV_Speranza - citycenter : CC_Speranza */ class NV_Speranza { name="Speranza"; position[]={3368.34,5903.02}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Speranza { name=""; position[]={3368.34,5903.02}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; neighbors[] = {"CC_Vione","CC_IlSaracino","CC_AirField"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 20 : Vione - namevillage : NV_Vione - citycenter : CC_Vione */ class NV_Vione { name="Vione"; position[]={3637.46,6502.66}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Vione { name=""; position[]={3634.98,6500.7}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=95; radiusB=95; neighbors[] = {"CC_Speranza","CC_Pescara","CC_Valorosi"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 15 : Il Saracino - namevillage : NV_IlSaracino - citycenter : CC_IlSaracino */ class NV_IlSaracino { name="Il Saracino"; position[]={3909.19,4787.68}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_IlSaracino { name=""; position[]={3906.97,4787.03}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=60; radiusB=60; neighbors[] = {"CC_Onore","CC_Fattoria","CC_Speranza"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 17 : Onore - namevillage : NV_Onore - citycenter : CC_Onore */ class NV_Onore { name="Onore"; position[]={4173.48,3915.28}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Onore { name=""; position[]={4173.48,3915.28}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=130; radiusB=150; neighbors[] = {"CC_IlSaracino","CC_Corragio","CC_Fattoria","CC_CasaDiLegno"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 18 : Corragio - namevillage : NV_Corragio - citycenter : CC_Corragio */ class NV_Corragio { name="Corragio"; position[]={4143.24,3705.29}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Corragio { name=""; position[]={4114,3733.75}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=190; radiusB=140; neighbors[] = {"CC_Vittoria","CC_Onore"}; Angle = 0; }; /* 19 : Vittoria - namevillage : NV_Vittoria - citycenter : CC_Vittoria */ class NV_Vittoria { name="Vittoria"; position[]={3831.11,2929.54}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Vittoria { name=""; position[]={3829.8,2950.46}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=150; radiusB=200; neighbors[] = {"CC_Corragio"}; Angle = 0; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //------------------------CLASS LOCAL------------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class Local_Villa { name="The Villa"; position[]={7529.49,6136.29}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Villa { name=""; position[]={7529.49,6136.29}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=80; radiusB=80; neighbors[] = {"CC_CampoPetrolifero","CC_Segheria"}; Angle = 0; }; class Local_Torre_Bagno { name="Torretta del BAGNO"; position[]={7293.21,6929.05}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class Local_Torre_Zenobito { name="Torre dello ZENOBITO"; position[]={4333.18,1142.12}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class Local_Torre_Rossa { name="Torre Rossa"; position[]={2742.35,3363.1}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class Local_Torre_Nero { name="Torre Nero"; position[]={3264.26,5886.51}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class Local_Isola_Gabbiani { name="Isola dei Gabbiani"; position[]={2909.69,4520.94}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=50; radiusB=50; }; class Local_Military_depot { name="Military depot"; position[]={6705.5,6028.74}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class CC_Military_depot { name=""; position[]={6705.5,6028.74}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=80; radiusB=80; neighbors[] = {"CC_Capri","CC_CampoMilitare","CC_Fatoria"}; Angle = 0; }; class NL_Airfield { name="Artificial Airfield"; position[]={1122.87,8953.84}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=400; radiusB=1500; }; class CC_Airfield { name=""; position[]={1122.87,8953.84}; type="CityCenter"; radiusA=400; radiusB=1500; neighbors[] = {"CC_Malizia","CC_Pescara","CC_Speranza"}; Angle = 0; }; class CA_Airfield { name=""; position[]={1243.69,8805.09}; type="Airport"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //------------------------CLASS MARINE-----------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class NM_PuntaBellavista { name="Punta della Bellavista"; position[]={7832.19,6125.42}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaZurletto { name="Cala dello Zurletto"; position[]={7568.61,5954.68}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaCivitata { name="Punta della CIVITATA"; position[]={7226.05,3825.57}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaCeppo { name="Cala del Ceppo"; position[]={6633.9,3764.35}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_CalaCarbona { name="Cala della Carbona"; position[]={5901.16,3079.89}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaCapo { name="Punta del Capo"; position[]={5962.48,2867.02}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaPorcio { name="Cala del Porcio"; position[]={5465.51,2624.01}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaTurco { name="Punta del Turco"; position[]={4937.05,1314.63}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_PuntaZenobito { name="Punta della Zenobito"; position[]={4177.01,679.075}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaVeronica { name="Cala di Veronica"; position[]={4325.23,913.162}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_CalaMoreto { name="Cala del Moreto"; position[]={3878.36,1331.12}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaUnguelle { name="Punta della Unguelle"; position[]={3184.76,1257.27}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaLacote { name="La Cote"; position[]={2760.83,2738.05}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaTrattoio { name="Punta del Trattoio"; position[]={2249.94,3400.17}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaVetriolo { name="Cala del Vetriolo"; position[]={2760.31,3788.81}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_CalaFundo { name="Cala del Fondo"; position[]={3104.29,5112.57}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaFundo { name="Punta del Fundo"; position[]={2868.91,5351}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CalaRecibo { name="Cala del Recibo"; position[]={3234.86,5646.04}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaManza { name="Punta della Manza"; position[]={3184.41,7281.54}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_PuntaSeccatoia { name="Punta della Seccatoia"; position[]={3595.14,7842.27}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_PuntaPortovecchio { name="Punta di Portovecchio"; position[]={6819.82,7580.12}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_PuntaFerraione { name="Punta del Ferraione"; position[]={7512.66,7049.84}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_PuntaTeglia { name="Punta della Teglia"; position[]={5636,9778.31}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class NM_CallaMortola { name="Calla della Mortola"; position[]={6235.02,8874.88}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class NM_PuntaVecchiaione { name="Punta del Vecchiaione"; position[]={6712.13,8812.73}; type="NameMarine"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //-----------------------CLASS VEGETATION--------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class VegFir_noname1 { name=""; position[]={3943.57,6557.99}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname2 { name=""; position[]={3984.3,3828.09}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname3 { name=""; position[]={4133.04,3558.73}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname4 { name=""; position[]={4303.82,3725.99}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname5 { name=""; position[]={3011.56,3411.64}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname6 { name=""; position[]={3414.63,3250.41}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname7 { name=""; position[]={4023.72,3154.87}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname8 { name=""; position[]={4390.96,3125.01}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegFir_noname9 { name=""; position[]={6624.28,4471.58}; type="VegetationFir"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname5 { name=""; position[]={5515.68,6532.64}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname1 { name=""; position[]={4934.86,7365.55}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname2 { name=""; position[]={5106.59,7469.53}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname3 { name=""; position[]={5420.65,7583.56}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname4 { name=""; position[]={5854.35,7587.3}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname6 { name=""; position[]={7233.98,6652.59}; type="StrongpointArea"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname7 { name=""; position[]={6951.7,6534.82}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; class VegBL_noname8 { name=""; position[]={6822.71,6243.19}; type="VegetationBroadleaf"; radiusA=100; radiusB=100; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //--------------------------CLASS HILL-----------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class Hill_Mt_Soopa { name="M. Soopa"; position[]={5260.44,8886.09}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_Ambrosio { name="M. Ambrosio"; position[]={4698.2,7268.36}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Local_Chiesa_Paolina { name="Chiesa di San Paolina"; position[]={6116.26,4887.89}; type="NameLocal"; radiusA=50; radiusB=50; }; class Hill_Mt_Castello { name="M. Castello"; position[]={4564.66,6785.9}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_OchePenne { name="M. Oche Penne"; position[]={4003.23,6308.9}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_Forcone { name="M. Forcone"; position[]={4198.18,5233.98}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_Ponica { name="M. Ponica"; position[]={4016.14,3955.96}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_noname1 { name=""; position[]={4249.36,5798.82}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_noname2 { name=""; position[]={4658.24,7701.77}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_noname3 { name=""; position[]={4211.41,812.292}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_Arpagna { name="M. Arpagna"; position[]={3769.48,2962.63}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_Mt_Compagnia { name="M. Compagnia"; position[]={6706.36,4788.07}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_noname4 { name=""; position[]={6925.28,5998.97}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; class Hill_noname5 { name=""; position[]={6710.68,6306.28}; type="Hill"; radiusA=25; radiusB=25; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //-----------------------CLASS VIEWPOINT---------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class ViewP1 { name=""; position[]={6675.64,7378.64}; type="ViewPoint"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class ViewP2 { name=""; position[]={3982.33,6318.91}; type="ViewPoint"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class ViewP3 { name=""; position[]={4011.43,3933.82}; type="ViewPoint"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; class ViewP4 { name=""; position[]={4740.31,7306.64}; type="ViewPoint"; radiusA=10; radiusB=10; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //------------------------CLASS GLOBAL-----------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class CityCapital_IsolaDiCapraia { name="Isola di Capraia"; position[]={7385.56,1097.34}; type="NameCityCapital"; radiusA=400; radiusB=400; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ //-----------------------CLASS FLAT AREA---------------------\\ //-----------------------------------------------------------\\ class flat1 { name=""; position[]={5888.14,4750.57}; type="FlatArea"; radiusA=100; radiusB=400; }; class Flat2 { name=""; position[]={5970.35,4896.81}; type="FlatArea"; radiusA=130; radiusB=130; }; class flat3 { name=""; position[]={7074.79,6246.74}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat4 { name=""; position[]={7607.78,6137.76}; type="FlatArea"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat5 { name=""; position[]={6523.72,6422.7}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat6 { name=""; position[]={1130.46,9200.33}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat7 { name=""; position[]={1130,9160.16}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat8 { name=""; position[]={1130.48,9120.13}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat9 { name=""; position[]={1129.28,9079.99}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat10 { name=""; position[]={1130.12,9000.78}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat11 { name=""; position[]={1130.48,8960.28}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat12 { name=""; position[]={1130.48,8920.01}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat13 { name=""; position[]={1130.24,8879.99}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat14 { name=""; position[]={6563.97,6712.71}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; class flat15 { name=""; position[]={5721.75,6849.68}; type="FlatAreaCitySmall"; radiusA=20; radiusB=20; }; Looks like that !
  4. Somebody knows how to use flatarea, flatareacity, flà tareacitysmall, strongpointarea, what it does ? And where i put it on map ?
  5. OK, At this time : => ALICE work (with civil ambient extension) => New objects on map => New villages on map -- La Roca -- La Torre Ragna -- Pescara -- Vione -- Il Saracino -- Corsaro => Modified Villages -- Valorosi -- Malizia => New rocks implantation (on ground~earth & on/under sea) => Modified Relief on multiple area. (For more realistic erosion) => New Vegetation (actually only around Malizia) => Map GPS 3x3 digits to 4x4 => Some little modifications on roads => 3 more Oil Stations -- Malizia -- Il Saracino -- Speranza => 3 Derricks on the sea => Some modifications on the "Military Training Camp" now named "Campo Militare" ==========Coming soon !=========== => Intro.sqf for capraia => Forest on the mid and the south of the island. => maybe more ground textures
  6. Can you release your scripts again gentlemen ? Download link doesn't work actually.
  7. he he maybe i'm lucky... i've transfered some files on this project to another user of my arma team.... then i've the last *.wrp Thank's pvpscene
  8. Very bad news ! i've reinstalled my os computer and in the process i've lost my work files of capraia :(
  9. Yep, it's was just a test of forest generation with worldtools & without retouch. just a try on the style & the number.
  10. Hum, it's an Alpha V2 not the final V2 ---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ---------- OK, i look for that !
  11. Yep, i've seen this texture error ! i don't understood this "Hard to use the new paladin with out altitude." ---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 PM ---------- Ok for the texture errors => http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1931621 i' will remove the wrong *.p3d
  12. OK ! i release an Capraia v2 alpha version, send me your comments on vegetation : - vegetation style ! what do you think ? - and number of trees ! what do you think ? (~130000 obj) and all the rest included : - Bergoff & Mikebart vegetation Dl link
  13. In Lite for english users => no addons ! ----------------------- in french : Salut Dalia ! Merci encore pour t'as mission, une question tout de même, t'es t'il possible de retirer les addons supplémentaires FSb Spectnaz et Mercenaries... pour cette mission ? Car nous souhaiterions la jouer en team, mais les mecs chez moi ont beaucoup de mal à mettre des addons.
  14. Big work in progress for the v2 ! but for the ai & roads i can't impprove, i will edit a tuto for road and ai ------------------------------ Need to translate in EN ------------------------------ - Ajouts de villages // more villages - Plus de reliefs // - Plus de textures sol // more ground textures - Correction de quelques bugs // less bugs - Végétation retravaillé // reworked vegetation - plus d'objets // more objects
  15. UP ! Now we have the Roads of OA in the new package of BIS tools but for me that doesn't work, Visitor 3 need an update ??
  16. Mission for Capraia Thx to "Dalia" for this making ! ---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ---------- Approching under sea ! Oh god, the seabed are not yet ready :(
  17. J'ai préfèré écrire en bon français qu'en anglais google, qui, moi même avec mon niveau d'anglais me rend très bien compte qu'il traduit parfois de travers... Google translate : I prefer to write in good English and French google, that myself with my level of English makes me very aware that sometimes results from across ... English : (with my level) I prefered to write in good french as "English google", that, myself and my english level makes me very aware that sometimes, google translation is strange.
  18. Sorry, for the for the answer in french but it's more easy for me ;) Ok Gekkibi, j'ai pris note de t'as remarque ! Ensuite, J'avais déjà fait quelques corrections sur la map il y a quelques temps déjà qui ne sont pas sorties ! - Je viens de rajouter un village dense en périphérie de capraia (on pourra dire que la ville s'aggrandit) - J'ai retiré le bateau a quai - Actuellement j'ai retiré l'ensemble des rochers et de la végétation, je n'étais personnellement pas très content du premier jet (ce que vous avez vu dans la version 1), car j'ai de vrai difficulté a faire quelque chose de bien et de jouable. J'y travail mais j'avoue que si une âme charitable sait comment implémenté la végétation correctement... je ne suis pas contre ;) - Je vais retravailler les villages aussi, mettre un peu plus de murs etc. Si vous avez des remarques à me faire parvenir c'est le moment. (que ce soit dans le config.cpp ou bien sur la map).
  19. OK maybe one update ! i look for that ! #include "IsolaDiCapraia.hpp" class CfgPatches { class IsolaDiCapraia { units[] = {"IsolaDiCapraia"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"objets_idc","CAData","CABuildings","CAMisc","CABuildings2","CARoads2","CA_E","CARoads_E","CARocks_E","CAStructures_E","CAMisc_E"}; }; }; class DefaultLighting; // External class reference class DefaultLighting_CA : DefaultLighting {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultClutter { scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class DefaultWorld; // External class reference class CAWorld : DefaultWorld { class Grid {}; }; class IsolaDiCapraia : CAWorld { access = 3; worldId = 8; cutscenes[] = {"SampleMapIntro1"}; description = "Capraia"; icon = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\icon\iconNGS.paa"; worldName = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\IsolaDiCapraia.wrp"; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\data\ui_Capraia_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "ML$ - #####"; plateLetters = "ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ"; longitude = -09; latitude = -43; midDetailTexture = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\data\Sand_2.paa"; author = "NGStudio"; class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom1{ zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = 100; }; class Zoom2{ zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom3{ zoomMax = 1e+030; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = 10000; }; }; startTime = 11:30; startDate = 01/06/2010; startWeather = 0.1; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastFog = 0.0; seagullPos[] = {1272.84, 150.0, 14035}; centerPosition[] = {2500, 2500, 300}; drawTaxiway = 0; ilsPosition[] ={985.23,8464.15,0}; ilsDirection[] ={0,0.08,-1}; ilsTaxiIn[]={ 1295.54,9045.04, // service path middle point 1295.74,8404.81, // point on runway to start there 1287.11,8394.45, // point on runway to start there 1009,8394.5, // point on runway to start there 992.188,8399.63, // point on runway to start there 985.23,8409.79, // align with runway 985.23,8435.5, // align with runway // ******,*****, // align with runway }; ilsTaxiOff[]={ 985.23,8464.15, //ilsPos, // touchdown point on runway 985.23,9517.3, // move to taxi-off point 991.327,9529.47, // start turning 1005.38,9534.84, // move to taxi-path 1284.93,9534.63, // move to taxi-path 1290.63,9533.29, // move to taxi-path 1295.74,9526.4, // move to taxi-path 1295.54,9045.04, // move on service path to middle point }; class ReplaceObjects {}; class Land_Terrace_K_1_EP12{ scope = 1; model = "ca\structures_e\housek\Terrace_K_1_EP1"; vehicleClass = "Test"; destrType = "DestructNo"; }; class Sounds { sounds[] = {}; }; class Animation { vehicles[] = {}; }; class Lighting : DefaultLighting {}; clutterGrid = 1.11; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 40; fullDetailDist = 5; minTreesInForestSquare = 3; minRocksInRockSquare = 4; class Subdivision { class Fractal { rougness = 5; maxRoad = 0.02; maxTrack = 0.5; maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; maxRoad = 0.01; maxTrack = 0.05; maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; minY = 0.0; minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient { class BigBirds { radius = 300; cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class Hawk { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class Birds { radius = 170; cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))"; class Species { class Seagull { probability = 0.2; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsects { radius = 20; cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = "0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; class ButterFly { probability = "0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class BigInsectsAquatic { radius = 20; cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class DragonFly { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class WindClutter { radius = 10; cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)"; class Species { class FxWindGrass1 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindGrass2 { probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindRock1 { probability = "0.4 * hills"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf1 { probability = "0.2 * trees"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf2 { probability = "0.1 * trees + 0.2"; cost = 1; }; class FxWindLeaf3 { probability = "0.1 * trees"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NoWindClutter { radius = 15; cost = "(20 * (windy factor [0.1, 0.2])) * meadow * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses)"; class Species { class FxWindPollen1 { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; class SmallInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class HouseFly { probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class HoneyBee { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)"; cost = 1; }; class Mosquito { probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)"; cost = 1; }; }; }; class NightInsects { radius = 3; cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)"; class Species { class Mosquito { probability = 1; cost = 1; }; }; }; }; class Names { #include "IsolaDiCapraia.hpp" }; class clutter { class Iso_GrassDry : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassDesert_GroupSoft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_GrassDryLong : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassDryLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.85; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_GrassGreen : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassGreen_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class Iso_GrassGreenLong : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassGreenLong_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.8; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_BrushHard : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Hard_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.4; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.3; }; class Iso_BrushSoft : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.8; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.75; scaleMax = 1.4; }; class Iso_PlantsViolet : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_Violet_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class Iso_PlantsWhite : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_White_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.85; scaleMax = 1.1; }; class Iso_Weed1 : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Weed_1_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.65; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 0.65; scaleMax = 1.0; }; class Iso_WeedThistle : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Weed_Thistle_EP1.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; class Iso_champ : DefaultClutter { model = "ca\plants2\clutter\c_stubble.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.7; swLighting = 1; scaleMin = 1.0; scaleMax = 1.25; }; }; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class IsoGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.89, 0.03, 0.02}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassDry", "Iso_BrushHard", "Iso_PlantsWhite"}; }; class IsoDesertClutter { probability[] = {0.06, 0.05, 0.005, 0.005}; names[] = {"Iso_BrushSoft", "Iso_BrushHard", "Iso_PlantsWhite", "Iso_WeedThistle"}; }; class IsoDesertClutter2 { probability[] = {0.0}; names[] = {"Iso_BrushSoft"}; }; class IsoForestClutter { probability[] = {1.05}; names[] = {"Iso_champ"}; }; class IsoWeedsClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassDry", "Iso_GrassDryLong", "Iso_Weed1", "Iso_WeedThistle", "Iso_BrushHard"}; }; class IsoFieldGrassClutter { probability[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.02, 0.01, 0.02}; names[] = {"Iso_GrassGreen", "Iso_GrassGreenLong", "Iso_PlantsWhite", "Iso_PlantsViolet", "Iso_Weed1"}; }; class IsoSandClutter { probability[] = {0.0}; names[] = {"Iso_Weed1"}; }; }; class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class Water {}; class IsoPolopoust : Default { access = 2; files = "roche_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoDesertClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoPolopoust2 : Default { access = 2; files = "roche2_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoDesertClutter2"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoTrava : Default { access = 2; files = "herbe_*"; rough = 0.11; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "drygrass"; character = "IsoGrassClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class IsoForest : Default { access = 2; files = "terre_*"; rough = 0.01; dust = 0.9; soundEnviron = "dirt"; character = "IsoForestClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; class Isosable : Default { access = 2; files = "sable_*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.5; soundEnviron = "sand"; character = "IsoSandClutter"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class IsolaDiCapraia {}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class SampleMapIntro1 { directory = "NGS\IsolaDiCapraia\Data\Scenes\intro.isoladicapraia"; }; }; };