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Everything posted by SPC.Spets

  1. SPC.Spets

    The island - living or abandoned?

    Yeah! completely abandoned for mission makers, and modules to add animals, npc, etc if we want/need
  2. SPC.Spets

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Wow! Nice heli!
  3. SPC.Spets


    but, you never forget how to ride a bicycle
  4. SPC.Spets

    Arma 3 engine

    realistic? making holes in a wall with a 203 grenade? lol Carrying infinite healing/ammo magic box? wtf? Deploying a parachute everytime you jump from a building? WHATA FOOK!!?? and so on... I like and I have BC2 already, and Im going to buy BF3 for sure, but... cmon! Long time playing Arma1 and Arma2 Coop and TvTs and I never needed to destroy any building to get in or kill any enemy inside. For that, we use C4, satchels, rocket launcher, CAS, Tanks, Artillery, etc, etc NOT a rain of 203s or grenades. I admint it would be nice new visual effects, like more smoke dust and debries flying, big explosion, shock wave, very loud sound, when you throw a JDAM for example
  5. SPC.Spets


    I preffer the old style number system and mouse wheel, at least to play SP campaign. In coop mission I only use the wheel mouse
  6. SPC.Spets

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Yeah! Visitor needs a lot of tools to work in real time with buldozer
  7. I always do that with the ALT key, I just want not to do that :s
  8. Just asking, the interaction key doesnt work with satchels to remove the safe pin, it does work with other stuff though. I wonder if this is a new error/bug or its just me
  9. SPC.Spets

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    yes, I mean the walk mode key "SHIFT" by default
  10. SPC.Spets

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    toggle walk? did you tried double tap click in the walk key?
  11. Its possible to modify the binocular position when you are not using it? I mean, the thing is right in front of your face :s
  12. SPC.Spets

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Explosives!! :D - Hand Grenades explodes and also trhows shrapnels made with a particle system - a Bomb impact, big explosion, big loud sound, and finaly a rain of rocks and debris in a certain radious I want a lot of smoke/dust/debris, a little ground shake, and most important, the sound FX, it should be loud an realistic as possible, also for distant explosions and other fx
  13. SPC.Spets

    Wind simulation

    I wish that smoke can be affeted by helicopters and explosion, but it would be too much o.O Actually, the smoke is affected by the wind, and using WarFX the smoke grenades looks awesome in Arma2
  14. SPC.Spets

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I voted realistic, but maybe a mix sim/arcade would be better. Like Arma2 is ok for me, and I dont use helicopters in coop missions, so...
  15. SPC.Spets


    I admit I was sceptic about ragdoll physics, but what I see from the Alpha version of Arma 3 in the E3... well... I liked it, yeah!
  16. SPC.Spets

    Arma 3 engine

    offT: About PR, I hope they finish the project before Arma3 otherwise... lol
  17. SPC.Spets

    Pistol holster animation......

    Little details makes big differences sometimes. I agree with this little detail anim, also some anim to put your pistol in safe position, same as when you open your Gear in Arma2 and your pistol goes up, but I want it to do everytime I want into the game. Put it down or up, whatever. I barely use pistols in Arma2... but... well
  18. SPC.Spets

    Want a T-Shirt? Yes, please!

    I want 2 XL - and 2 L colours, Black, Grey, Blue and Green. thanks!
  19. if this feature is easy to mod, the possibilities are... endless
  20. SPC.Spets

    Arma 3 engine

    some little thing I notice watching the Alpha version in the E3 presentation, was, that there was not flickering textures, 3dobjetcs rendering LOD glitch whatever. Everything seems fluid and perfect. I want to see how the sound works, distant shots, explosions, vehicles
  21. that is a good 3D scope, also I see you can zoom In a little bit. BIS can implement this with the normal keys holding the RMB to zoom In, putting your eye close to the scope
  22. SPC.Spets

    E3 - Arma 3?

    That EXPLOSION must be ingame
  23. SPC.Spets

    ArmA 3 like Battlefield play 4 free.

    Im going to create a trhead asking for PERKS and KILLSTREAK now, wait for it
  24. SPC.Spets

    E3 - Arma 3?

    please dont call us "fanboys" is not a good definition nowadays in da internert :(
  25. SPC.Spets

    ArmA 3 like Battlefield play 4 free.

    just read the forum, all this newcomers asking for stuff like this. do this like this and this like this. NOooo! do it like ARMA!