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Everything posted by The_Nephilim

  1. Hi All, I just wwant to report in the Alpha lite series I would imaging in the full alpha version as well it seems 3D Vision is NOT working properly.. Now I know this is only an Alpha but I just wanted Bohemia to be aware of this issue for thos of us who use S3D.. Here is a screenshot of what I see when in 3D Mode using nvidia 3D Vision kit: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Thnx for looking and hpe we can get this problem sorted in the final release..
  2. The_Nephilim

    nVidia 3D Vison not working properly..

  3. The_Nephilim

    nVidia 3D Vison not working properly..

    yes nvidia vision is their thing but it needs to be programmed in by the developers Sorry but nVidia can NOT help.
  4. The_Nephilim

    nVidia 3D Vison not working properly..

    Where is that found?? IF it is in just the Alpha version I am OOL, I ONLY have the Lite Version currently..
  5. OK IF you are on DSL and have a seperate Router and modem you may have the modem acting as a Router causing you to be Double NATTED.. Meaning you are behind 2 routers which for PF is a bad thing.. so to test this theory log into your Router the 2nd device and goto Status in there look for WAN IP OR internet IP what is the first 2 sets of Octets?? IF they are 192.168.. 10.0..172.0.. you are behind a 2nd Router.. Also you can ONLY CHEck your IP in the Router for this test do not goto a IP checker site.. To get this fixed you will need to put your Modem into Bridge mode.. you may need to contact your ISP to do this..
  6. Hi, Well with those Online Port checkers you NEED to have the game running in ONLINE MODE.. Try using Port Forward port checker.. Also what are you on Cable or DSL?? Did you setup Port forwarding??
  7. I am unable to disable PhysX Processing?? I have the 260.99 drivers with a 470GTX Card??
  8. The_Nephilim

    nVidia 3D Vision & Night Vision troubles??

    I had NOT installed the mod correct and I now havit it working. I did NOT have the Shortcut entered and the HDR Mod was not etting enabled. You will get a HDR Menu when cliccking the middle mouse button ingame and tha will bring up the option to adjust the gamma of the night vision..
  9. Hi, I recently added a new vid card a PNY GTX470 and upgraded to the 260.99 drivers I also got the 3D Vision Glasses kit too and I am experiencing some trouble when S3D Is enabled and I turn ON Night Vision in OA.. Well as we all know ( HAd a hard time explaining this to Support at nVidia) the night vision starts off as being very bright and washed out, then a few seconds it adjusts to the ambinet light and looks normal abiet it is Green now.. Well the probelm I am having is that it stays Bright and washed out and does not adjust just stays washed out?? I was wondering if anybody else that has the 3D Vsion kit experience this trouble and is there a fix??
  10. The_Nephilim

    nVidia 3D Vision & Night Vision troubles??

    looks like the GTD HDR mod did the trick thnx!! ;)
  11. Hi, I get a CTD If I OC too high.. I can get a Prime 95 Stable machine when OC @ 4.5ghz but ArmA 2 will CTD every time after a minute or two?? I had even set the OC down to 4.1ghz and still it will CTD.. I dont think it is a Heat Issue as the temps of the cpu are cool enough.. I have a Asus Striker II Formula with an Intel E8400 CPU.. I can reproduce this CTD every time but Now while I am OC to 4.0GHZ it seems to work NP's?? I was just wondering if it is ArmA and NOT liking the Higher Clock settings?? Here is my CTD Log file thing: http://www.filefront.com/16945203/ArmA%202.rar
  12. The_Nephilim

    1.07 Bugs: Report them here please.

    Fixed Not a Bug ;)