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About coopdeo

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  1. Thanks! I hadn't seen that before. Thanks for responding.
  2. Will there be another beta release today or what is the schedule?
  3. Don’t misunderstand me; I am (to say the least) very impressed over the development rate of ACE2. I just wondered if there was something wrong with my installation.
  4. I’m wondering the same. And the range finding with the helicopters doesn’t work right, at least with the AH64. *** * Why doesent IR vision work in the Cobra? Is it work in progress? * Why isn't there a Beta preset for OA in Six updater?
  5. At the same time it would be nice if they also gave us the Russian forces with updated IR systems on the tanks and so on. I find this even more important for balancing warfare games (multiplayer). Right now the US is hugely overpowered.
  6. coopdeo

    Graphics engine improvement

    I guess DX11 is too much to ask for? Tessellation would be great for performance.
  7. coopdeo

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    I find this most important: Before anything else, give us the Russian faction. You really don’t have to do much more than giving the ARMA 2 stuff desert skins as well as adding IR sights to the vehicles as well as a few IR weapons to the infantry. This would make multiplayer much more fun! Right now everyone wants to play US in warfare mode because they are so overpowered. You should also ad IR stuff to the marine faction. It makes no sense that the Cobra doesn’t have IR. Right now everyone wants to play US