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About Lzryde

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  1. EDIT: Classname was simple enough to guess: "ACRE_PRC117F" But when you look in your gear it is missing a couple images as RavenDK posted.
  2. Lzryde

    Ai thread

    I don't think the AI really need cover. It seems that prone + 200m distance makes them pretty much invulnerable. You can shoot at them, see blood spray with an entire clip, and no dice. I don't know whether this is lag, but I've had it happen many times (although it doesn't happen all the time).
  3. Not sure if this is by design or a bug, but the ammo type does not display the correct amount in the top right hand corner. For example, if I take a MAAWS with 2 HEAT and 3 HEDP ammo, reload HEAT rounds, in the top right corner it will say "HEAT 5" (it should say "HEAT 2" right?). Shouldn't this only display the total amount of HEAT rounds and not the total amount of rounds altogether?
  4. Lzryde

    HEAT warhead parameters (OA)

    I've blown up tanks with FIM-92F Stingers. (well, not blown up, but the crew decided to evac) Mind you, it wasn't a very modern tank (T-34).
  5. Lzryde

    Add dispersion to AI on mounted machine guns

    Brings back a great memory: (OA) A buddy of mine was running on the side of a huge hill. I was prone 50m from the base of the hill. I hear a single grenade launch from a jeep maybe about 100m from the base of the hill. DOOOOSH! TS3 -> "WHAT IN THE $#*&" Many other instances of the AI being far to good with their vehicle-mounted guns, but none as funny. I agree completely.
  6. Lzryde

    Add a camel(Operation Arrowhead)

    Yeah, I'm getting sick of the rabbits.
  7. In BF2's Battlerecorder you could set the 'quality' of the recording. 1 being the lowest (bigger intervals between player movement updates and such, much less data stored), and 10 being the highest (smallest intervals between updates, maximum data stored). It is a great idea, but I've heard this is a feature from VBS as Nutty_101 said. I would guess that BI is reluctant to pull another major feature from VBS for Vanilla/OA. But from a marketing standpoint for BI, a feature like this would allow the ARMA community to create better videos much easier and spread the holy word of ARMA to parts unknown. I know this thread is a bit old, but it is still very relevant to a major feature ARMA2/OA is missing.