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About Taysiir

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Did a search for a similar thread, maybe I didn't search hard enough, but I couldn't find anything that answered my question: When flying in a single-seat airplane, how do you cycle through targets like you would when ordering your co-pilot to, when flying in a multi-seat air vehicle? And I'm talking about targeting vehicles, or other air planes. :s
  2. Taysiir

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    make a DLC focused on AIR units with some sweet Top Gun-like moments (yeah, I want some Ace Combat in mah arma 2 :P)
  3. Just discovered your campaign yesterday and played through it (I died over a hundred time on the last mission > . >). Anyway, that was a great experience, as good as the arma 2 vanilla campaign. Also, I didn't catch the story, why the hell did Coburn attack your unit again?
  4. Taysiir

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Would a DLC focusing on air combat be any good? If improvements (if any is needed) to bring this dlc to life are made?.
  5. Guess I'll pitch in and say thanks as well Decerto. Much need info :)
  6. It did not. I reverted the mission, and started afresh, didn't run any issue this time since I did my best to just avoid everything and run like hell.
  7. How do I force the AI to follow my orders? Situation: ARMA 2 Campaign, they are stuck on 'engaging' the enemy while following me, so by the time I get to where I need to be while running, they are lagging behind by 200m. They run for a little bit, go prone, cover each other, and rinse and repeat. Currently, I am in the Bitter Chill mission and I am trying to reach the CDF position. I can't even go 100m without dying since those fools are too busy playing "shoot air" with the enemy despite being on Hold Fire / Safe / Return to Formation orders. This is frustrating.
  8. Taysiir

    Name a Group

    If that's the only alternative, I guess I'll just stick with the previous code you gave me. Thank you again for the information.
  9. Taysiir

    Name a Group

    Thanks mate, that helped a lot. Been on that for the past hours. I just noticed though, it takes forever for the trigger to process that condition. A good minute passed before it did the "On Activation" section. Any idea what's happening here?
  10. Taysiir

    Name a Group

    how do I actually verify an entire group is dead? Here's my situation: The PC will attack a group of enemy (3 men, group name RU1). So for each men, I have the line ... RU1 = group this; ... in their init. My trigger is set to condition ... !alive RU1; And it's getting activated whenever a single of those souls are dying. And yes, I'm a complete noob in scripting (just started today ... )
  11. I must admit, I didn't use the search function for this. Can I in the single player mission editor (for either ARMA 2 or ARMA 2 OA) use the Operation Arrowhead maps for the quick missions like "Defend this location", or "Kill/Destroy the target"? So far in ARMA 2: OA, I can only see the "Basic" or "Combat" mission templates available :S