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Posts posted by sajuuk

  1. Wow, talk about bizarre reasoning! If the map can be made playable only in OA without the need for Arma2 there is no good reason to not make it so. Why do you think some people only own OA and not Arma2+OA?

    I appreciate your situation, like you I have friends who only have arrowhead and they've been looking for missions like Cipher to play. The best advice I can give you is to learn a bit of scripting, you dont need to know a whole lot to put dynamic battles and SOM/ACM together. Check out addons and scripts like UPSMON, D.A.C or GroupLink. All the hard work is pretty much done for you, it's just a matter of pasting some simple init lines. The forums are a wealth of information.

  2. I've managed to fix the blackhawk not turning up problem and a few other bugs, waypoints are now properly set all over the island and the blackhawk should always drop reinforcements and again, it's fully OA standalone compatible.

    Only 2 major bugs remain that I'm tracking down, one is the following:

    _availTypes = _availTy>
     Error position: <set [_index, -1];
    _availTypes = _availTy>
     Error Zero divisor
    File ca\missions\som\data\scripts\secops\reinforce\07_create_secop_assets.sqf, line 134

    This is a script error that appears in my rpt when the blackhawk tries to drop people off sometimes.

    The other is the blackhawk gunners getting out and joining your group after it drops your reinforcements.

    As for your questions:

    i also have problems with your decision to change the light and medium offroad vehicles.

    for tactical gameplay i never try to get all 10 team members in vehicles that are available to make a quick advance into the target area. one SU-25 flyover can cost u everything.

    SOV with mk19 grenade launcher is always available.

    I believe that decision lies in the hands of the group leader moreso than the mission maker. If they want to take the risk, it should be up to them.

    In response to the SOV, it was just a quick replacement to make it OA compatible, they will be replaced with something more suitable later.

    edit: had some fun driving the ikarus, :) but why should someone drive a bus into a warzone??


    my thought on making the mission not OA only:

    - support BIS with buying both games, Arma2 + OA, it's incredibly cheap with all the content and potential for months (years) of gameplay

    Again, thats up to the group leader. I like to think of it as using whatever resources you have in a warzone, including commandeering civilian vehicles.

    It's good that you want to make an A2+OA version, and yes supporting BIS is fantastic, I have all their games. However, russian troops/civillians/cars just feel out of place and break the immersion for me, thats why I wanted to do this OA version. Besides, not everyone has Arma2, most newcomers only have OA.

    i really like to invite you on working on the next version and include your script to resync the group leader with ACM and SecOps, so i can focus more on design (briefing etc.).

    I've been using this map to learn how to script, but I'm more than happy to share what I've changed with you providing you give people the option of playing the OA only map.

  3. Link removed.

    Editing someone's work without permission and releasing without permission is completely unacceptable, I'm sure you were trying to do something to help others out but you broke a fundamental community rule in that you must always request permission from the creator if you wish to edit/release their work.

    My apologies, consider the lesson learned.

  4. Great to see this mission in OA.

    One minor problem is that setting the "player vehicles" setting in paramters to "offroad, medium armed" results in two vehicles that won't fit all 10 players.

    Edit the init.sqf file

    Look for


    Change it to:


    Or whatever else suits you. Hope it helps.

    did he just fly over or landed and started with dropping nothing? describe the situation more precise please. i guess he was attacked on his way to you and decided the LZ was too hot. i've seen this before, flying over, but 5 mins later he landed 500 - 1000 away from the insertion point. thats no bug, its standard SecOps-AI.

    I've run into the chopper pilot not reinforcing bug too, tried it several times, the pilot flies to the exact point where he's meant to drop them off then he just turns around and flies away without dropping anyone sometimes he just hovers there forever, I'll take a look at the script and see if I can help out. Also I think the invincible team mates bug comes from here:


    {_x allowdammage false}foreach PlayableUnitsWest;

    replace all cases of dammage with damage

    Edit: I've updated my previous post with the new changes

  5. Hey Alec, thanks for working on this, Cipher is a fantastic mission set.

    Since you had not updated in a little while, I un-pbo'd the mission and took a look to see if I could do anything to help. This is based off your 0.2a code (I only saw that you updated once I'd finished).

    Here is the result:

    This version of Cipher is now 100% OA standalone compatible, all calls for units/civs/ammo/guns/vehicles from arma2 have been replaced (I hope) with OA ones. I added my own script for the ACM module and SecOps module which does pretty much the same thing as yours.

    (longer delay between missions, longer delay before mission starts, changed random chance a little and made missions further away)

    I also added a script to resync the group leader with ACM and SecOps after he dies.

    Edit: I've updated the link and commented out the script for ambient combat at the moment. It's not causing a problem, I just like the default ACM settings.

  6. I have read the wiki article and also through several threads on the ACM module but as I said, its not the kind of result I'm looking for. Maybe a flying unit will pass overhead once in a while or some troops will walk along a road, but I never seem to get much more than that.

    This is the code the acm is using:

    waitUntil {!isNil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"}};
    waitUntil {ACM1 getVariable "initDone"};
    sleep 5;
    [1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;
    [ACM1, 500, 2600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;
    ["BIS_TK", "BIS_US"], ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;
    [0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;
    [0.1, 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;
    ["ground_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
    ["air_patrol", 1, ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
    [ACM1, ["US_TeamAT", "US_RifleSquad", "US_TeamMG", "US_HeavyATTeam", "US_MotorizedSectionAT", "US_A10Flight", "US_M1A1Platoon", "TK_InfantrySectionAT", "TK_MechanizedReconSectionAT", "TK_INS_ATTeam", "TK_InfantrySquad", "TK_T72Platoon", "TK_InfantrySectionMG", "TK_Mi24_DFlight"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

    It is sync'd with the group leader and re-syncs if he dies.

  7. I have been looking for a way to turn some parts of Takistan into non-stop war zones where troops/armour/air from both sides will spawn and fight constantly.

    I thought this might be possible to do with the Ambient combat module but the best I could get out of that was 2 UN soldiers on the top of a mountain looking kind of lost.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm pretty new to scripting for arma, but if I can get an idea where to start with this I should be able to work it out.

    Thanks guys.

  8. Fantastic script, I've been playing with it all day and I'm hoping to use it in a few co-op missions. Would it be possible to set a time limit between usage? For example, 30 minutes between air strikes but only 5 minutes between transports. Nice work Draper.

    To get this going in Operation arrowhead/Domination all you need to do is change some unit names:

    In AirSupInit.sqf

    case WEST:{

    airSupFXD = "A10_US_EP1";

    airSupFXDCAS = "A10_US_EP1";

    airSupROT = "AH64D_EP1";

    airSupTRN = "UH60M_EP1";

    airSupPIL = "US_Soldier_Pilot_EP1";


    You'll have to use the A10 instead of the F35B as it does not exist in the standalone.
