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Everything posted by Alselius

  1. Hi My game just stopped working today. Whenever I start it it shows the ACE loading screen instead of the usual copyright info and stuff. And it just freezes there with a small "Please wait a moment..." text at the bottom of the screen. I have Combined Ops and the latest patch. Thanks :)
  2. Alselius

    Graphics engine improvement

    First of all my discontent might be caused by my monitor or graphics card so if the problems here sound unfamiliar the disregard the entire post. I downloaded the Invasion 1944 mod recently and noticed that night-time missions without night vision goggles look very bad for a military sim. First, contrast at night is terribly high - I can easily spot targets hundreds of meters away because ground texture is way lighter than soldiers/cars/whatever. I tried decreasing my monitor's contrast and played around with the brightness and gamma settings but wasn't still fully satisfied. My second problem is the overall darkness during night. In real life, even in winter you can still see pretty well to some distance once your eyes get used to the lack of light. When I messed around in the editor last night I couldn't see my gun or the grass in front of me even in the middle of summer. Enough of ranting; my point is that missions in bad lighting conditions would be amazing if the engine could make them immersive enough. I've been thinking of making brightness/contrast dependent of time and date but I don't know if that would do the trick.
  3. Alselius

    User mission requests!

    Are there any good counter-insurgency themed COOP missions (based in Takistan)? Not the usual head-on attacks but something that includes finding and destroying weapons caches, patrols with ambushes and IED attacks etc. I'm currently playing the Task Force 94 campaign but it feels too much like conventional warfare.
  4. Alselius

    Graphics engine improvement

    I guess that's what I meant. I'm aware that all light sources cast sharp shadows but for that they need to have perfect athmospheric conditions etc. You rarely have that at night. And the moon doesn't emit light, it reflects it. Might be a difference. What I mean is that even though sometimes there are really cool sharp shadows at night that is a rare occasion not what its usually like. I hope this makes sense :)
  5. Alselius

    Graphics engine improvement

    Then its my bad. Still, the shadows should be much less evident as the moon doesn't shine too bright. It feels odd if you see really sharp shadows everywhere in the middle of the night.
  6. Alselius

    Graphics engine improvement

    Something that really disturbs me is that even if you're in complete darkness, when you look through NVG you still see shadows. This does not make sense at all and really breaks the immersion at times where the game looks otherwise almost real. Shouldn't be hard to remove shadows completely at night. And the contrast of both NVG and thermal imaging should be reduced a lot.