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Everything posted by brydling

  1. brydling

    1.07 model lod problem?

    I have also noticed several LOD problems since the patch. They can be very low detail until I get very close or hold the right mouse button to zoom. It's everything, not just teammates.
  2. Thank you Door_a_jar! However, I usually play as the tank driver because I don't find the AI driver good enough. Also, I find the AI doing a better job than me with the commander's turret. As the commander you have a sight, but as a driver you have the same problem as in a helicopter. Another question. When playing as a helicopter gunner, is it possible to stabilize the sight on one ground location so that you don't have to compensate when the pilot moves the helicopter? As a tank gunner, the turrent rotates automatically as the tank rotates to always point at the same spot. As a helicopter gunner with an AI pilot who doesn't understand that he has to keep the chopper stable, I'm in trouble.
  3. Hi, I am new to this forum and pretty new to the game. I played Operation Flashpoint ALOT when it was new (and several years after), but I've never tried ArmA 1. In OFP I remember that flying a helicopter or driving a tank and pointing out targets for the gunner was really easy. I can't exactly remember how it was done but I think that you had a mouse pointer while driving? In ArmA 2 all that happens when I move my mouse is that the vehicle moves. And if I delete these assignments in the controls setup, nothing at all happens when I move my mouse. I've found one way to do it, hold down Left Alt and look around without steering. But I still don't have a cross to aim with, so I have to guess where the middle of the screen is. How do you guys do it? I have played the campaign one time. I love the gameplay in the last missions where they mix strategy and action. I have one problem however. I can't seem to build anything in a captured town except for a UAZ? If I need to buy some new stuff I have to go the whole way back to HQ, and that can take an hour in a slow tank! From what I have read it seems like I should be able to buy weapons in towns. But the things I have read have been about multiplayer.