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PFC Zippy

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Everything posted by PFC Zippy

  1. yeah I hate the time limits for certain objectives in some of the missions...especially when they don't let you know beforehand. I hit the 45 minute limit first time playing even though I thought I was tearing them up but I just hadn't taken out the AA yet. Have also had it end when shutting off the engine to rearm but not always...and had it say I was shot down but survived (success) when actually I kinda crash landed on a house near the base or erm well I turned the engine off by mistake at low altitude. but anyway you can hack it out of the mission.fsm file...search for the two instances of "time > _t + 2700" and change the 2700 seconds (45 minutes) to 27000 or whatever seems to work...
  2. Hi, I'm making a SP mission and get this error message at the briefing if I run the mission from the SP missions folder even though a player is selected and it runs fine if I just press "OK" to the error. Is it because the player is part of a team of playable soldiers for team switch? I added a 'selectPlayer' bit to init.sqs but it didn't change a thing. Any ideas appreciated thanks
  3. Well, I've double-checked to make sure and that's how I have it...one "Player" and the rest in the group as "Playable" and nothing else on the map is Playable. It is the same error message I get in the editor if I don't have a player selected. The mission runs (previews) from the editor without getting the error though. It only pops up when I run the .pbo from the missions menu. But if I press OK everything works as planned....player and group all show in the list and the program gives you control of the right one when I continue to the game. The error shows when the briefing loads or if I run a .pbo with no "external files" (just a mission.sqm) then it shows at a blank screen just before the game starts. But the error only shows if I do a first run type "Play" or "Restart" from the menu...if I "Resume" or load from within the game it doesn't show. Out of curiosity I tried to see what happens when I run a pbo that never had a player selected and it just goes to some weird camera scene from some other map and then returns me to the menu when you "Skip" the camera scene and won't actually play the mission so it's not the same error as that. And it's not in any of my .sqs or .html files since it does it without those included. I dunno...this is my first attempt with the mission editor and been playing with it for just a few weeks...it's something I've done somewhere I assume since it didn't do this before. It's kind of an error without an error but it bugs me.