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Mauser GDog

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About Mauser GDog

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I will be playing this mission on a server using ACE medical system, and worry this won't work. Will report back if I find another way. Thanks as always Demonized.
  2. Starting to get a handle on tiggers / objectives / mission endings, but this has me stumped. Would like an objective trigger to be activated by returning several friendly KIA's that start the mission dead (using setdamage1) in body bags back to base. This would be an objective, but not the end of the mission. Any ideas?
  3. Mauser GDog

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    I'm new to this but will stick with it, thanks for the help so far. I will look into all those links and see what I can come up with.
  4. Mauser GDog

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    Thank you Demonized, will try both those today. Another observation I made is the VBIED seems to move to the starting location of the enarest BLUFOR and sit there, I don't think it's actually chasing it's targets? Need to test this more, but noticed last night. Origianaly I thought it was working fine, but that's because I was playing as the nearest BLUFOR but was just sitting still waiting for it to arrive.
  5. Mauser GDog

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    Demonized, I got it work but is there a way to either: a) make the VBIED unit stay in place untill triggered by BLUFOR present with a Hold Waypoint & Switch trigger or b) change the distance between the VBIED unit and the nearest BLUFOR unit to less than 99999 so that BLUFOR has to get close before the VBIED goes into action? Right now, no matter where my units are, as soon as the mission is previewed, the VBIED begins his hunt for a target.
  6. Mauser GDog

    VBIED to chase BLUFOR

    Thanks Demonized, I will try this. Just to clarify the only portion of that script I need to edit is the section I've bolded ("yourKaboomScript") correct? Optionally I could edit the other 2x sections bolded at the top "scriptName" Does that make sense? Thanks MGD
  7. I would like to have a VBIED chase BLUFOR units once they have moved into a trigger area. So far I have found other peoples scripts to: -detonate VBIEDs inside a trigger area -detonate VBIEDS when they take fire / damage I see that you can give a JOIN waypoint to an OPFOR vehicle and make it follow a BLUFOR, but I'd like the VBIED to just drive towards all the BLUFOR in the trigger area, and try to get close before detonating. Something tells me I will be attaching a trigger to the VBIED to detonte on proximity (BLUFOR present) but it's the chasing part that has me stumped?
  8. Mauser GDog

    Prometheus: The prequel to ALIEN trailer is out.

    This is not technically a prequel but a story set in the same ALIEN universe. Scott started with the intention of it being a prequel, but he also wanted like 250 million and a badass R-Rating. That said, it's still more a prequel than anything else! :)
  9. Yes, they were setup for 7.1 Yes, I am an idiot.:D Thank you.
  10. I am using a Soundblaster Audigy sound card with latest driver, albeit a 2009 driver, but still the latest on the Creative Support site. When I am in game I am experiencing a loss of certain sound effects, most notably vehicles, when I turn away from them. Say I am standing just off to the side of a hovering chopper. Then sounds from the chopper are present when looking at the chopper or just to it's left right, but when I turn away from it, the chopper sounds drop out as though it's not even there. Thoughts?
  11. I realize I need to find a group of like minded players to enjoy this game to it's fullest. Have been playing BF2:PR for a few years and consider myself quite capable. Hoping some PR skills will transfer over to ARMA2, and I think they will. Looking forward to the scale of ARMA2, and I'd like to see what groups are out there for an old guy like me (33yrs old) who wants to commit to realism gaming but might not be able to make every practice / training sessions every week at the same time. I game every week at some point, but it's hard to predict when. Some weeks I might play 4 times, the next week 1 time. I have my copy of Combined Operations on it's way to me right now, and will start playing on my own right away, but ideally I'd find a group that could assist in training. Is there a group here looking for a player like me? Screen Name: Mauser GDog (hopefully, ARMA2 not installed yet) Age: 33 Location: Ontario, Canada gmt - 5 Microphone & teamspeak: yes Languages: English Ready to pay for a server?: of course Games:BF2:PR / ARMA2 very soon :) ACE: will install any mods, I prefer as much realism as possible. Roles preferred: any Infantry role, ground vehicles, no air. Arma2 experience:Zero, but I know tactics and comms. after 3 years of avid BF2:PR play. What kinda of squad I'm looking for: Preferably a group of old guys like me who understand how hectic RL can be post 20's! Of course, I will gladly play with any group of mature / friendly players. Additional Interests: VERY interested in using the editor, love creating scenarios & campaigns - Sony Vegas Pro video editing - photoshop - Thanks for reading. PM if you think you have a spot for me. MGD