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Everything posted by SOLDIER X


    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Any news on the updated version of DEVGRU shark ? Me and the guys played this mission a lot, a great map to begin a gaming session. Any chance you could consider adding a revive / re spawn option to the update ? Regards X
  2. Hi Anyone know if setFace remains the same for Arma3 ? I can change the identity of a unit but i am having problems with the SetFace command. Also is there a list of available faces and voices which can be used. Have searched but to no avail. Regards X

    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Damn fine mission. Nice one sharky. :cool:

    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Any progress with the updated version of this mission ?

    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Hey shark-attack Played version 1.2 of this over the weekend with you and your mates and it was fantastic. A great session, thanks for putting up with me. The changes you made were spot on. Any download link to the latest version ?

    COOP 8 / SP =RTY= Devgru

    Hey shark-attack being a fan of your previous work we decided to check this out, and we were not disapointed. Another quality mission, everything from the player loadout to the overall balance is really well thought out. Found it a bit hard first up but soon got into the flow of things. We played as a threesome on a local host server with each of us taking a team leader slot to utilize the group spawn and we were tested each time. We really like the fact that the hostages were in a different location each time we played and the little traps in place at the enemy barracks/prison. We noticed that the enemy here also spring from random positions keeping us on our toes everytime. Bloody good fun. Requests. Although the player loadout is great for the mission type, would it be possible to give the player a choice of other available weapons ? Would it be possible to start the teams in boats so they can maybe choose there own start off points. Starting in the bay so close to land limits the direction the groups can take for infil. Would it possible to make a version using a revive script ? I guess the Iranians broke Adam ? his rambling and complaining made us all laugh. A nice touch. Another top quality production. Thanks for this mission !

    co6@ =RTY=Narco Wars

    The first two missions were spot on. Nice work shark attack! But i cant for the life of me find part 3 ??? Excellent missions mate. Bloody good job :cool:
  8. Hi all Is it possible to use the SetVectorUp command on created compositions on uneven ground. Im trying to create a series of small camps and bunkers using some of the in game compositons. But the terrain i want them on isnt exactly level. eg. if (isserver) then {nul = [getpos this, getdir this,"bunkerMedium03"] execvm "CA\modules\DynO\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf"}; this setVectorUp [0, 0, 1] works a treat if i manually place objects in the editor. But im stuck on how to add it to compositions Anyone tell me the correct syntax to use or if this is even possible. Thanks X :)
  9. The second method seems to work a treat ! Many thanks F2k Sel
  10. Thanks that handy for future reference. Not sure how it helps with setting the vector for a spawned composition though. My scripting skills are pretty basic. I tried with Mr Murrays editor placed composition addon and was unable to set the vector on these also Is it possible to level a composition ? Anyone acheived this ? Kind regards X

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hi Just a quick question before i progress with a project. Will this work ok with Isla duala using the Framework from BAF Takistan version. I know that Taki army units and Taki insurgents will be used rather than Duala units but i can live with that. Just not sure if Isla duala has Pre defined locations for enemy spawn points. Thanks in advance X
  12. Hi Is there a way to force a player unit to start the game in the prone position ? I tried this setUnitPos "DOWN" But it dosn't seem to work for the player unit . Cheers X
  13. @ Panther42 Awsome mate, thats fixed it thanks ever so much ! I set mando_support_left_am_West = 1 once the drop zone is secured. Vehicle drop and Ammo drop now works like a charm. Cheers pal ... Regards X
  14. Hi panther42 Carried out a few more tests yesterday, managed to get everything working ok when using default settings but as soon as i add my custom settings i get the same issues with chopper not arriving at drop zone, everything spawns ok and no error messages are shown. here is my my_console_setup.sqf. Sleep 1; mando_airsupport_type = "AV8B2"; mando_airsupport_type_rc = "AV8B2"; mando_airsupport_type_pa = "C130J_US_EP1"; mando_airsupport_type_pal = "C130J_US_EP1"; mando_airsupport_type_ev = "CH_47F_EP1"; mando_airsupport_type_am = "CH_47F_EP1"; mando_airsupport_type_ve = "CH_47F_EP1"; mando_reco_cam_pos = [0,3,-2]; mando_airsupport_cmissile = ship1; mando_support_left_West=8; mando_airsupport_armedrec = true; mando_airsupport_armedrec_man = true; // Set it to true for manual guidance for missiles fired from armed reco planes mando_airsupport_armedrec_max = 4; mando_airsupport_bomb_altmax = 1400; mando_ingress_dir = 0; mando_airsupport_bomb_alt = 250; mando_airsupport_cmissile_pos = [0,-4, 1]; mando_airsupport_cmissile_alt = 500; mando_airsupport_jump = true; // reinforcements and airborne assault will land and disembark instead of jump from chopper. mando_support_no_cm = false; mando_support_no_cas = true; mando_support_no_br = false; mando_support_no_rc = true; mando_support_no_ff = false; mando_support_no_la = false; mando_support_no_am = false; mando_support_no_ve = false; mando_support_no_re = false; mando_support_no_sa = true; mando_support_no_gs = true; mando_support_no_ab = false; mando_support_no_sat = true; mando_support_no_cp = true; mando_support_no_cb = true; mando_support_no_ev = false; mando_support_left_ca_West = 8; mando_support_left_am_West = 0; mando_support_left_re_WEST = 8; mando_support_left_pa_West = 8; mando_support_left_ve_WEST = 8; // Info text displayed in the setup / info dialog (this is an structured text) mando_airsupport_info = "Mission info: <br />Covert special ops assignment. Takistan. <br /><br /><t color='#ff0000'>Objetives:</t><br />Eliminate all enemy forces within patrol area.<br /><t color='#ffAA00'> Whoever is in possession of the black UAV backpack will be granted acess to the Air support console.<br /><br />Avoid unessacesary civilian casualties.</t><br /><br /> "; // Setup dialog options 1, 2 and 3, dont set any of these variables if you dont want special options mando_airsupport_opt1_text = "Gunships support type"; mando_airsupport_opt1_array = []; mando_airsupport_opt1_action = { private["_item"]; _item = _this select 0; mando_airsupport_type_ca = _item; }; mando_airsupport_opt2_text = "Reinforcements type"; mando_airsupport_opt2_array = ["4 man DELTA Team", "4 man SAS team", "1 Combat Engineer", "1 PJ Medic"]; mando_airsupport_opt2_action = { private["_item"]; _item = _this select 0; switch (_item) do { case "4 man DELTA Team": { mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1", "US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1", "US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1", "US_Delta_Force_Assault_EP1"]; }; case "4 man SAS team": { mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM"]; }; case "1 Combat Engineer": { mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_EN_MTP"]; }; case "1 PJ Medic": { mando_support_infantrytype_re = ["BAF_Soldier_Medic_MTP"]; }; }; }; mando_airsupport_opt3_text = "Vehicle supply type"; mando_airsupport_opt3_array = ["BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D", "BAF_ATV_D"]; mando_airsupport_opt3_action = { private["_item"]; _item = _this select 0; mando_airsupport_type_vehicle = _item; }; mando_airsupport_opt4_text = "Ammo supply options"; mando_airsupport_opt4_array = ["Assault resuply", "Explosives","Anti tank"]; mando_airsupport_opt4_action = { private["_item"]; _item = _this select 0; switch (_item) do { case "Assault resuply": { mando_airsupport_magz = [["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 30],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", 20],["HandGrenade_West", 10],["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", 30]]; mando_airsupport_weap = [["Binocular", 2]]; }; case "Explosives": { mando_airsupport_magz = [["Pipebomb", 5]]; mando_airsupport_weap = [["Binocular", 1]]; }; case "Anti tank": { mando_airsupport_magz = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",9]]; mando_airsupport_weap = [["Javelin", 3],["M136",3]]; }; }; }; // End of options setup dialog configuration // Carpet bombing custom code global variable for AV8B mando_airsupport_carpetcode = { private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"]; _plane = _this select 0; _targetpos = _this select 1; while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do { Sleep 1; }; if (alive _plane) then { _widx = [_plane, "BombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex; for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do { _plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,driver _plane, _widx]; Sleep 0.4; }; }; }; ["Request Air Support", {typeOf (unitBackpack player) == "US_UAV_Pack_EP1"}] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf"; Any help resolving this problem would be great Regards X.
  15. Hi i have recently developed a problem when using the air Support console to call in vehicle drop or an ammo drop on Takistan. The choppers cant find there way to the drop zone they just circle at the point where they are spawned and remain there. All other assests work just fine. Anyone experienced similar issues ? Or has anyone got any ideas how to fix this ? I have tried with various types of chopper and have tried with default settings but they can not find a route to drop zone Regards X

    Open Chute Option

    Hi there. We (SWEBAT) are experiencing exactly the same issue when using the flagpole halo script. It always worked perfectly but now the option to pull rip cord is sometimes not available turning HALO into a thing of chance. An action is added to the flagpole/ vehicle of choice this addAction["HALO Jump", "flagpoleHALO.sqf"] here are the scripts used flagpole HALO.sqf haloed = true; hintSilent "Click on the map where you'd like to HALO. You will be jumping from 2500 meters."; onMapSingleClick "player setPos _pos; [player] execVM 'halo.sqf'; haloed = false;hint 'Close the map and don''t forget to open your chute!'"; waitUntil{!haloed}; onMapSingleClick ""; HALO.sqf if (_this select 0==player) then { waitUntil {alive player}; _unit = player; _unit addweapon "ACE_ParachutePack"; _unit setPos [(position _unit select 0), (position _unit select 1), 2500]; _unit execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf"; }; Like i say we have never experienced any issues previously. Possibly introduced with a beta patch ? Any help solving this issue would be splendid. Best wishes X
  17. Good point Blackfox Ammo and fuel would make a more sensible commodity for trading in a post-apocalyptic world In a distant trading post to offer some hope to survivors. Anyone know the end game ? Is there anylight at the end ? Or is it a day to day struggle to survive ? An ultimate objective would be cool, join or form a resistance unit [new skin] ..... Form a strongpoint/ fortress where hummanity can thrive
  18. Easier said than done .. just a wish list, but someway to secure your cache, a lockable cargo container or something with a key associated to it. Peed of with being mugged by bandits I only ever encountered rabbits , must just be me ... Mmmm hillbillie chicken cooked over an open fire.
  19. Damn this mod is addictive .. Wish list :rolleyes: Would be great to see some kind of Melee system or an abilty to use the hunting knife against zeds A fortified trading post where items can be bought or traded .... Where survivors must pool together to gain precious resources... An area in which bandits are not welcome within a set radius A cash system introduced for use at trading post A system to make enterable houses lockable, so a safe storage point can be created. If a bandit should see you entering or leaving safehouse then he can take keys and gain entrance to said safehouse A wider variety of game to hunt and more of them Excellent mod cant wait for next patch

    player prone ?

    Thank you ! :) edit Just tried it dosnt work on the player unit, any other ideas ?
  21. Good call shark attack .. Id love to see specific units for the major players within the Lingor factions. Id also like to see the GAL forces switched to Independant so standard blufor units can go to war with GAL . Cant wait for the update ... Epic terrain !
  22. ICE Anychance of a UH-1H for the GAL Lingor Army in the next update.. ? Nothing beats the sound of the old girls rotors on this wonderfull terrain. It would be an awsome addition.
  23. Hi Im having trouble with a script for releasing hostages in a small co op mission. Everything works fine in any environment other than on a dedicated server then i hit trouble. I add an action to the hostage's init filed _release = this addAction ["Escort Prisoner", "Release.sqf"];this disableAI "MOVE" Which calls the following script. Release.sqf _pow = _this select 0; _caller= _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; [_pow] joinSilent group _caller; _pow enableAI "MOVE"; _pow setCaptive false; _pow setUnitPos "UP"; sleep 1; _pow removeAction _id; The hostage will join the rescue team no problems, however if any unit other than the team-leader of the rescue group releases the hostage, the hostage will join the rescue team as normal but will not respond to any orders given. Any help resolving this issue would be great as its a major show stopper during game play. Best wishes "X" .
  24. Hey Many thanks neokika, works perfectly. Cheers mate !