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Everything posted by jsa2001

  1. The problem was quite simple my fault for not checking but i had the wrong display setting under change display settings thats all. I did say "No worries ive sorted it out" but thanks anyway.
  2. Run chkdsk, it should check bad sectors, lost clusters, cross-linked files, and directory errors.
  3. jsa2001

    Unidentified something

    It looks like that because of the angle in which the camera is filming and not much wind was around. it's still got me stumped, possible meteor maybe! ---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 PM ---------- Eat some carrots and put that joystick down:)
  4. jsa2001

    Unidentified something

    Look at it from 50 to 53sec it goes from top to bottom past the aircraft, its actually going across the sky. But to much wanking does effect your eyes:D
  5. Sounds good, but i'd prefer it if any bugs would be adressed in OA 1st
  6. jsa2001

    Unidentified something

    It cant be the plane was doing 40+ mph. you can see the prop in motion at 300fps those blades are going over 3000rpm. At 30fps or normal camera speed i bet you wouldnt see it on film. Besides the further back it is the slower it will look, this was at a constant fast speed.
  7. jsa2001

    Unidentified something

    Not sure how to work out the maths but this was shot in slow motion slown down to 300fps and this thing is still really moving fast. Look at it some more, it changes direction like it avoids the aircraft!!
  8. Heres my 1st vid done with Arma2oa.
  9. Just got a copy of windows 7 64bit, Installed it on the harddrive with no problems. Right after installation i rebooted the pc and just got the desktop with no icons or taskbar!! I can only right click and get a menu up but nothing else works, Booted into safe mode and i get everything back. Any ideas? ---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ---------- No worries ive sorted it out:yay:
  10. If someone would come in here and say to me this is my rig and i can run the game at full settings without lag or slow down i would upgrade just for the game. I only use the editor to make staged cut scenes now that are not complicated to where my system starts to crawl.
  11. I was going to upgrade my pc to an i7 but i'm not going to bother because i dont think any pc will run this game well.. thats just my opinion. Ive spent more time in here trying to solve issues than playing the game itself honestly.
  12. I had a 386 computer than bought a 486 66mhz pc about 20 years ago, x86 chip was top of the line then. Thats when some good graphical games started to come out on 8 fdd's. I'm microsoft certified but lost track of hardware and software these last few years. Kinda trying to get back up to date.
  13. That sums it up really, having to remove ram out your system to make it run correctly Maybe it should say that on the box.
  14. I've given up the thought of upgrading my pc so i can run this game in optimal settings. Dont want to risk spending a ton of money for a few extra fps only having it drop when the screen gets busy.
  15. http://i1030.photobucket.com/albums/y362/jsa2001/operationarrowhead.jpg[/img]"][iM]http://i1030.photobucket.com/albums/y362/jsa2001/operationarrowhead.jpg[/img]>100kb Heres one for the book, full settings.
  16. jsa2001

    New OA Modules

    It looks buggy to me. When i request an air-strike an A10 comes in, dives to the target but releases no ordinance. It then just constantly circles. The others work apart from requesting more troops.
  17. Whatever happend to plug and play:yay: i feel like i'm back in the days of making a bootdisk to play a game..lol
  18. I only purchased arma2 a couple of weeks ago, really love the editor more than anything else, besides from all the bugs it was worth the el cheapo price i payed for it. I was looking forward to OA thinking and given some issues with A2 that OA would be massively better regarding bugs. Sadly it's not in this regard. I hope they can fix these soon otherwise i won't bother buying another game from them. I'm not some die-hard gamer so this is my reason but i'm sure those fans who idolise A2OA will always be there. I just wish most bugs can be fixed as i can live with one or two and that my pc could run this game at optimal settings because its the best eye candy out there.
  19. jsa2001

    Where is the UH-1H for BLUEFORCE?

    If you lost tail authority at any time you cant fly, in a real world you have to use pedals to coordinate a turn not just by banking using cyclic. You need to swing the tail around by adjusting the blades pitch on the tail rotor.
  20. jsa2001

    OA Activation

    Have the same issue, just got the disk in all the time now:mad:
  21. jsa2001

    Where is the UH-1H for BLUEFORCE?

    Non of the helicopters fly correcty in Arma or OA you need to use the tail rotors along with cyclic controls to turn left or right. You dont have any tail authority in forward flight so its hardly any sort of simulation.
  22. Anyone recommend good mainboard and good overclocking i5 to i7 cpu. Going looking for something later today.
  23. Yeah cost will go up, my ddr2 wont run in a ddr3 mainboard. Board, cpu and memory would have to be purchased. Need to work out some costing and any updrade would have to be significant in terms of speed over what i have now. Any suggestions welcome!!
  24. Try reading again i said its run at 3ghz, stock is 2.4ghz for a Q6600