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About Chappi

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  1. @Dwarden I'm using Nod32 @anynick I have no idea to be honest, you should look at earlier posts, guys tried to solve my problem with other ways. Have you tried re-downloading the patches? Which patch gives the error? In my case every patch was giving me errors.
  2. For the record - sorry for the mega bump. But this is important. If anybody is having similiar problems aka every patch fails because it has problems with .pbo files do what my mate told me. Turn off your antivirus. in my case it worked mint, and everythings working. Sorry for necro again.
  3. Any ideas? So I guess nothing can be done to patch the game?
  4. Yeah I'll try the source provided EDcase. Nope, re-downloaded and again errors start at 81%
  5. Will do. So far so good, I have extracted all stuff from disc to my D drive and installed the game. Installing the patch 1.05 straight away - 33% done, no error yet :D Also a question regarding those beta patches You linked earlier. What will happen if I'll install them? Will I be able to play online? Most servers are on 1.05 I think. Not really, 81% error Error found in file Addons\rocks2.pbo (00000000!=00000001) If I ignore the error, clustercrap of other .pbo's are corrupted too.
  6. Thanks guys! Well I have two drives one is system drive © and the other one is for games and whatnot(D) And I'm installing it to (D) drive. Unfortunately I don't have any external drive/memory stick. Isn't there any way to install the patch by manualy copying files from archive?
  7. Hello guys. First of all Hi, I'm new here, but I am Operation Flashpoint veteran. Played Arma 1 as well, but that's not my problem. While my problem was probably 10 times answered before, I've couldn't find those answers while browsing those forums, so I'm sorry in advance. The problem is that I cannot install any patch. I got the game yesterday and played it for few hours and installed some mods. After that I have tried installing the newest patch [1.05]. It gave me errors about the .pbo files in addons folder. Some errors with data returning 0 instead of 1 and vice versa. So I thought it's because of the mods. I've reinstalled the game and applied the patch again. Same thing happens, but now with other .pbo files from addons folder, while errors appear to be the same case as previously. So I have been lurking the internet to find a proper answer. One guy told me to first of all install patch 1.03, then 1.04 and 1.05 after those. Reinstalled the game again. Tried patch 1.03. Guess what, same stuff happens. Patch 1.04? Same stuff. Note, my game is a legit copy, non steam. It's already patched to 1.02 Oh one more thing, when the patcher was spewing those errors I thought that those files were corrupted, so I've copied them from my CD manually. That didn't help either. So I'm open for your ideas guys.