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About farix

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hey guys. Kinda a odd question for all of you. I'm using Deadfasts Chroma Key Walls to attempt to get a tank into After effects. Only problem is I only have the AI to do my bidding , I am using Gcam to get the shot , but whenever I use the waypoints to tell the tank where to go it eithar spazzes out or turns its engine off and dose not move. I have tried using both the modual verison of Deadfasts as well as the Object. Anyone know a remedy to this ? maby a way to force the AI to move no matter what the situation
  2. ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ---------- [/color] That is the code i am using . i need somthing to allign the degree on which the vechile is placed ant the height of the vehcile
  3. well i love how your a god at scripting kylania. But i think i'm over complicating things. i am just trying to recreate this script w/o the move to and the eject functions of the script. It seems to freeze when the vechile spawns at the marker , it odsen't join the player sgroup. I also need a parameter for a set pos , beucase you know everything i do is usally on a boat =P
  4. hmmm well i am not amazing at coding , i just want a simple script to spawn say a LAV-25 with full crew + a group. All the attempts i have done by modifiying the C-47 script havefailed
  5. I'm just getting into a habbit of bumping old posts , kind another random question. I'm trying to spawn a cargo helio (MV-22 etc) with a full squad of marines inside it + having the entire squad plus the crew join the players squad is that possible ? + limiting the action to say... once every 5 minutes
  6. Well i can't use other scripts to spawn the vehciles . i'm using the warfare module to spawn everything. is it possible to modifiy this script to allow the vechiles to spawn at certain height ?. This is just conidering Manned Vechiles
  7. Sorry to bump a old post. But would it be possible to use this script for empy vehciles , and occupied vechiles as well ? How would i go about changing it
  8. I asked Benny . And Got a Response "Hey, Sorry if i've skipped this message for a while (didn't even see that i had pm's ). Using an Aircraft carrier is kinda special, you have to adapt several things. - The spawn point (on deck), it can be done by adapting the GUI_Respawn and adding a fixed carrier spawn (a Logic for instance) which will spawn the player at a certain height if selected. - A Factory can be placed within the editor, to do so: 1. Place a Factory in the or a logic which create the proper kind of factory and give it a name 'MyFac' i.e 2. Edit Init_Server.sqf structures array, (i.e WestBaseStructures = [MyFac]) - To change HQ Model, check the core structures files: 1. ['WFBE_EASTMHQNAME','MyVehicleClassname',true] Call SetNamespace; - Adding more than one HQ is a difficult but feasible task: 1. Convert the MHQ System from an object to an array of objects (i.e WestMHQ = [obj1, obj2]) and adapt the code 2. Once converted, you can get the closest HQ by using the SortByDistance function (i.e '[player, WestMHQ] Call SortByDistance') If you still have problems dealing with those stuff or don't comprehend some of those, don't hesitate to contact me on msn: benny_boy66@hotmail.fr Good luck, Benny." Hotshots OFP Fourm PM
  9. Hey everyone. has anyone ever modfied a verison of Bennys Warfare to place Factorys at start ? i can't figure out how to do it. there is buidlings in the editor for barracks etc , but they don't actually impact the mission. is there some script i am missing ? Thanks -Farix (Mesg sent to benny on Hotshot fourms aswell)
  10. Hey Guys. Another quick question. In a current mission i am working on. After my first Stress test phase i ran into a few problems. In the mission Players have access to recruiting full infantry squads , and fully crewed vehicles . BUT sometimes , just due to ARMA 2's engine the AI will get stuck on nothing or get wounded and be rendered useless , or they may have been recruited by accident. I Need a GUI to select a squad member and disbandon him (Kill Him). Also i need a Parameter to limit the amount of commendable AI units . As of right now it is unlimited , so i had a few smart testers just recurting 15 infantry squads (About 190 People) and just massing them across the map. Thanks
  11. arghh this is going to go on forever +rep for you kylania But... The Sherman Joining the players group only promots 1 man out of the entire tank group to join ( I belive it is the Comander slot?) So the tank cannot recivie commands
  12. Standby. ---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 PM ---------- West seems to work. But The Tank is static , i'm not 100% sure if there is actually crew inside it and it dose not join the players team. It just sits their and dosen't do anything ---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ---------- Yeah theirs def Crew in it. Just isn't joining the players Team , so it dosen't do anything execpt sit their =P
  13. Script works for airbourne. Somthing a hell of a lot simplar tho - I just want to spawn say a Sherman at a given marker I'm using this Orginally that would spawn a Empty Sherman at the USAIR marker which was at a postion on an airfield. But now with the BIS FNC at the end the script stops functioning