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About Tiberius100

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  1. Hi can you look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=107380 Maybe you find there your solution.
  2. Tiberius100

    OA Faction names

    When I will have time later, I will put here a list of tons of the classnames for Unsung. BTW: Many of them you can find in the pdf file from the last Unsung patch ;-) (The last pages) Cheers
  3. Tiberius100

    OA Faction names

    Hi :-) For Unsung is: West: UNSUNG East: UNSUNGEAST
  4. @MessiahUA 'nul = ["z1",[1,0,0],["2",2,50,8],[],[],[],[0,6,0,0,0]] spawn DAC_Zone' I never saw this "2" in the config.Maybe you should write it without " ;-)