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About Ikaruga

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. William, do you think it would be possible to add a respawn option in your missions or some way to continue as another soldier if you die ? I know there's a revive script which does that but it's a pain in the back to implement every time for each mission.
  2. Thanks a lot ! That makes things much clearer ! :D
  3. Ok, and after that, the bomb should fire automatically ?
  4. Hi Myke ! I read the manual for the GPS/INS system but I still don't understand how to make it fire properly ! I clicked a point on the map, I went over that point and nothing happened. Did I do something wrong ?
  5. Thanks for the help ! It worked perfectly !
  6. Thanks for your help ! How do I use a different warhead for the SCUD ? I read this in the manual, but could you be more specific on how to achieve this, please ? "To set a different type of warhead you need to set a vehicle variable named mando_scud_type. scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 0]; // <- Conventional scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 1]; // <- <uclear - Gigan detonation scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 2]; // <- <uclear - Echo/Mando ground detonation scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 3]; // <- <uclear - Echo/Mando air detonation scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 4]; // <- <uclear, 3 MIRVs - Echo/Mando ground detonation scud_launcher setVariable ["mando_scud_type", 5]; // <- <uclear, 3 MIRVs - Echo/Mando air detonation" About the T90, the manual states that it has some Laser option but I can't find how to activate it. The T90 is no different from the Vanilla one in my game. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi Mando and thanks for your great work. I have a question : I would like to try the new functionnalities of the MLRS but I didn't notice anything different from Vanilla. I created a mission with Mando missile Init, Mando Missile Full and a MLRS with the player as driver but I had no new options and pressing LCtrl to bring up some HUD didn't work. Same for the T90. Also, I tried the SCUD Launcher, I have the Window to select a target but I can't choose between "G" and "D", like in the screenshot you provide in the manual. All the other features seem to work well, though. Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks in advance !
  8. Hi William, I had a look at Norrin's revive script and it's a set of scripts which require to be included in your mission. Also, you need to add markers on your map to set where you appear when you respawn. More info here : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74396
  9. Hi, I have a problem with the VFS1 Valkyrie : I can't switch to Fighter mode when I'm in Gerwalk mode. Can someone help please ?
  10. Ikaruga

    Mod OFrL (FRENCH)

    What you are saying here would make sense if *only* the server was restricted to the french speaking people. But why restricting the addons too (the vehicles, the soldiers,etc.) ? How would it be a problem non french speaking people were using them outside of your server ? ------------------------------------------------------ Restreindre l'accès au serveur seulement aux francophones me paraît logique. Mais pourquoi interdire aux autres d'obtenir les addons ? En quoi ça poserait un problème que des non francophones jouent avec du moment qu'ils ne sont pas sur votre serveur ?
  11. Ikaruga

    Mod OFrL (FRENCH)

    I agree, you should share your mod with the rest of the world (not that I really care since I'm French but still). Restricting your server to french people sounds fine by me, but why not sharing your addons ? It's a shame keeping those high quality addons just for you... :(
  12. Ikaruga

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    It's really a pain to aim with the bow because the back of the arrow hides your target. Also, its range is just ridiculous, I used to practice bow shooting and even with some crappy bow, I could hit targets further than that. Apart from that, this campaign is really great and original ! Thanks a lot !
  13. Hi, I tried this tool and I really love it ! It's pretty fun to use with missions with dynamic missions like W.I.C.T., Seize zones or Flashpoint Chernarus.
  14. Wrong link for some UK addons in the addon section. Thanks anyway ! :cool:
  15. Also, I think it would be nice to automatically add a premade base on the map with Planned Assault. I've seen some of them in the addons section like this one : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10578&highlight=FOB However, it might screw up your pathfinding algorithm, I don't know how hard it will be to implement ...