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Everything posted by beha7

  1. beha7

    So is Super Powers the new Warfare?

    OK, thanks I have had benny's recommended to me in another thread as well so will try that out for sure. :)
  2. beha7

    CTI/WF and artillery

    Ok, thanks for the info, I will try it out for sure. :)
  3. beha7

    So is Super Powers the new Warfare?

    Bump! :confused:
  4. beha7

    CTI/WF and artillery

    Sorry, for bumping this, but I have tried to search almost every corner of the web but still couldn't find the answer to the above question which interests me as well. I also could not find how to ask for any other support (meaning CAS, UAV, Transport) or even how to build AA radar biulding which is mentioned in the manual, but can not be found in the build menu even when I'm the commander not the AI. Any info would be appreciated, but not the scripting parts, as I'm not interested in creating new missions but would like to play "Superpowers" or "When diplomacy fails" with my friends. Sorry for the long post, and thanks for your help in advance. :) P.S: Read about something called Warfare Benny Edition or smth like that...is that any good? :)