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LPD-29: San Antonio Class
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I don't want to go so far as saying its MP "proof" but my unit has used it in MP operations several times without any notable bugs. There is no Bisign. Not sure why you would CTD when doing that operation, JDog, do you have a crash report? Getting it to fit *just* right so that it didn't generate holes was a significant part of the process. mankyle, all the components are static class and rotating the whole model is on the to do list. I also plan to revisit the spawn script. Thank you for all the shout outs! I hope that you all enjoy the ship despite its flaws! -
LPD-29: San Antonio Class
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
To clarify some things: When you place the LPD the little compass in the lower right of the dialog box should read 0 or 180. This causes the ship to point East (90) or West (270). This is because the axis system I used to build the ship and the axis system of Oxygen2 are not the same and there is that 90 deg difference. Nose of the ship should point E-W when looking at the icon. If you don't point it in the right direction the ship wont be assembled correctly. It is composed of 3 separate sections. The two RAM launchers are decorative only but there may be a way to attach a working system using other available addons. Head on up to the observation deck, overlooking the flight deck, to find a dedication plaque thanking all of those who helped. I have also updated the first post. The LPD-29 is a fictional ship (LPD-28 will be the last of the San Antonio Class, which is a real ship class). I realize that there will be an "LPD-29" someday of a different class but I guess the navy will have to curse my name for all eternity for taking the number first. :) -
LPD-29: San Antonio Class Version 2.0 First Public Release (7/31/11) By M.Phillips aka Absolution Updated 7/31/11 Features: -Flight Deck capable of handling multiple helicopters/VTOLs -3 storage decks appropriate for vehicles and personnel -Flooded Well Deck for boats and amphibious vehicles Description: I am a member of the 15thMEU(SOC) realism unit and I developed this addon to facilitate amphibious operations. For about a year this has been available to the 15thMEU as a private addon but I think it's time to share it with the community. This is my first addon effort and there will be a number of amateur quirks but through testing I have determined it to be sufficient for its intended purpose. Enjoy! Known Bugs: -The LPD MUST be placed in the editor with an orientation of 0 degrees (nose pointing East) or 180 degrees (nose pointing West). The script used to place the ship is broken. -many of the shadows for the forward 2/3 of the ship are broken due to a variety of issues. As long as you do not scrutinize them too closely they should not be noticeable. -Ocean disappears when looking out of the observation deck's window. It's due to how I textured the "glass". This only occurs when looking through the window. -When a player spawns on the LPD in the middle of a mission they are prone to instant death/injury. A clever mission maker may be able to resolve that on their end. -"wet feet" sounds after getting out the water and into the LPD. This will go away once you walk on solid ground (example: dirt). DOWNLOAD LINKS http://www.gamefront.com/files/20619793/LPD29_v20.zip Readme is included in the zip file Future Plans: I've been scratching my head trying to get this thing perfect for about a year and what you see are the results. I will keep trying to iron out the bugs but I make no promises. Special Thanks J. Charlin : For providing the texture of the flight deck and the raw textures used throughout the ship. MIDN Hardy : For providing real photos of the interior of the USS Greenbay. Gnat and the gentle-people of OFPEC : For helping out a noob that didn't know the first thing about addon creation. Thank you all!
Spawn Script breaks in MP
Absolution_15th posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Problem: I have a spawn script that drops a group of bad guys on the map when I activate a trigger. It works in SP, it works on a dedicated server WHEN I AM ALONE but stops working when anyone joins the server. The script executes in all three scenarios above because I have a hint that flashes on the screen. When other players are on the server I get the hint message but no bad guys spawn. Ideas? Trigger on act (manually activated by the player): jester = thislist select 0; if (jester == opcom) then {actionid10 = opcom addAction ["Spawn Group 1", "scripts\spawnai\group1.sqf"]; actionid11 = opcom addAction ["Spawn Group 2", "scripts\spawnai\group2.sqf"]; actionid12 = opcom addAction ["Spawn Group 3", "scripts\spawnai\group3.sqf"]; actionid13 = opcom addAction ["Spawn Group 4", "scripts\spawnai\group4.sqf"];}; group1.sqf (group 2, 3 and 4 are identical): waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; //create a trigger //On Act: [this] exec "scripts\spawnai\group#.sqf"; //alternate: _h = []execVM "scripts\spawnai\group#.sqf"; //create groups _group1 = [getMarkerPos"spwn1", east, ["TK_Soldier_Night_2_EP1","TK_Soldier_Night_2_EP1","TK_Soldier_Night_2_EP1","TK_Soldier_Night_2_EP1","TK_Soldier_Night_2_EP1"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //set patrol points [_group1, getMarkerPos "wp1",75 ] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; [_group1, 1] setWaypointSpeed "FAST"; hint format ["Group 1"]; -
Script help with POW capture/join group.
Absolution_15th replied to Milosan's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Ha! Just that simple and it works perfectly. I added in a "doStop _u;" to the end of the sqf code because the AI unit was still running off for some reason. It works and that is the point. May I ask what the "...[],1,true,true,..." part of the init text does? I am interested because I might be able to play around with those settings to get more interesting results. -
Script help with POW capture/join group.
Absolution_15th replied to Milosan's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
This is a good thread. I am trying to apply these tips to do a simple capture. My particular troubles concern the fact this is meant for a cooperative mission. I created a trigger that attaches to the warlord. This trigger will give the player an addaction if they get close enough. When the player uses the addaction I want the warlord to join the activating player's group. Instead... the warlord joins, what I suspect to be, the first group I made (I have several dozen). How do I get the warlord to join the group of the player who activated the trigger? Trigger on act: blufor = vehicle player; actionid1 = blufor addAction ["Capture Warlord!", "scripts\captureai.sqf"] captureai.sqf [hvt] joinSilent group this; hvt enableAI "MOVE"; hint format ["WARLORD CAPTURED!"]; The basic structure of this set up was borrowed from the "warlord capture" example. I am assuming my problem is in the sqf. None of my players are named. The capture part works just fine its WHO is actually doing the capturing that is the problem. Ideas? -
High Command and getting troops to load a vehicle
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I create two separate SQF files. One that executes your assignvehicle command and one that executes the unassign (syntax is the same). I then build a trigger in game with the on activation "player addaction ["mount", "mount.sqf"]". This way a player who walks into the trigger area will have an option in their scroll menu to execute the mount script. I've never gotten the radio commands to work and this way I can set up the trigger to only be executed by certain players (replace "player" with the name of the player you want to get the action). It's far from a perfect solution but this set up works for my purposes. Problem is, of course, the unassign script doesn't seem to want to work and the Hip won't move when the group is loaded. -
High Command and getting troops to load a vehicle
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I gave this a shot using addactions and triggers and it almost worked. I can get the infantry to load into the vehicle (a Hip in this case) but I could not get the Hip to move OR the infantry to dismount again. Any ideas? -
High Command and getting troops to load a vehicle
Absolution_15th posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I've been playing around with the HC functions and have found it to be extremely useful in creating scenarios. I can get a group of AI to load into an unoccupied "neutral" vehicle, I can get them to load into an occupied vehicle that is a part of their group but I am having trouble getting them to load into another group's vehicle. I have placed a waypoint down right on top of the target vehicle and set it to type "get in" and "load" and both result in the infantry running up to the vehicle and standing there. The vehicle happened to be a Ural with plenty of space inside so that is not the problem. My intent is to have one group be the infantry and the other group be just the truck. Ideally I want the group of infantry to get into the truck, have the truck drive them to the objective, let them out, and have the truck come back to base for more. What am I doing wrong? -
Ordering Player Roles in Select Screen?
Absolution_15th posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
This question relates to the first selection screen you typically see when joining a multiplayer game. When you select which slot you will want to play during that session. How do you place those billet selections in a particular order? Is it dependent on which you place down first? I'd like to have the groups ordered in a particular way to help players find what they are looking for. I have tried placing each player in the order I want them but that doesn't seem to work all the time. Maybe I just goofed up and didn't realize it? -
Delaying a Player Spawn in MP?
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Okay, so how do I choose which players will get teleported and which ones will not? Not everyone is going to start on the LHD all the time. -
Running a Script against the server?
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
It's working good, thank you! Lets expand on that thought. I've used that spawn script before in dedicated missions based on a trigger. When a player walks into the trigger it spawns the group. The problem is that EVERY player who walks into the trigger causes the spawn. My unit has since dubbed my script the "Red Army Script". If I use your isServer condition will that only cause the trigger to fire once for the first player to trip it and never again? -
Delaying a Player Spawn in MP?
Absolution_15th replied to Absolution_15th's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Do I sync each player with the trigger or is it only going to fire off for people standing inside of the trigger area? Not every player will start on the LHD and I wouldn't want to drop the others out of the sky. Thank you for the tip. This has been a consistent problem for us since day one... we got skills but mission scripting isn't among them. I am glad to see its a simple fix. -
Delaying a Player Spawn in MP?
Absolution_15th posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Problem: During an initial load in of a large cooperative mission players who spawn on the LHD sometimes spawn in the water. The reason is that the player spawned in before the LHD. 50-60 people all loading in at once causes spikes in data serving. Common work around: Spawn the player a few feet above the deck to give the server that extra eye blink to get the LHD into the world. Doesn't always work. What I am looking for is a more reliable way of ensuring the players on the LHD will have solid decking underneath them during mission start. Having them log on to the server after mission start is not preferred since server stability is a common issue. Not to mention the associated mission delay. Is there a way for me to tell the server to spawn the LHD (or world as a whole) first, wait a few seconds, then spawn the players? -
Infinite Ammo for AI?
Absolution_15th posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MISSIONS - Editing & Scripting
Problem: I build cooperative missions for my realism unit. I'll place some D-30 batteries down to give my unit some hell but they run out of ammo so fast and then my guys just run up and pop the gunner. Solution: Is there a script or other mechanism built into the editor to constantly resupply the ammo or simply make it infinite? Not exactly "real" but sometimes you have to break a few eggs to get the omelet you're looking for.