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10 Good

About Slag

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  1. Slag

    Demo does not do this sim justice

    if it is what it looks like and good playability it should be good.ya have to excuse me a little,beenup late drinken some beers and downloading arma 2.
  2. Slag

    Demo does not do this sim justice

    I know that i heard about arma 2 just a couple days ago so i downloaded the demo and i was like wtf this isnt good. so i talked to alot of ppl and checked out some vids on youtube(whitch some of them were pretty F@!%ken awsome.i want to say that im getten great reviews about arma 2 and ppl are sayen i wont be disapointed so im downloading the game as we speak, the diehards and the casual players swear about arma 2...........good community also.
  3. Slag

    new to arma.

    sweet,cant wait to try the demo.is there any tips or anything i should know?
  4. Slag

    new to arma.

    hello everyone i just found about this game today and i am from america.does arma have servers in the usa or will i have alot of lag issues?