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Everything posted by dcal

  1. Great stuff...awaiting eagerly
  2. dcal

    Visitors for Arma2

    Agreed, I should have known that.
  3. dcal

    Visitors for Arma2

    Thanks for the heads up. I was not aware that was a no-no.:o
  4. dcal

    Visitors for Arma2

    Oh my, reptilian style aliens! So looking forward to that. Machinima ideas are rolling around in my head. Going to do a couple vids using Eastern(Russian, etc) forces getting attacked/defending against attack. ---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ---------- Those things definately look menacing. What type of weaponry?
  5. Amazing! I have a video planned for the beta version release. Looking forward to it. I hope you guys have 3D glasses:D
  6. Nice work man, great tunes too
  7. I can happily tell you that my son and I have had a blast racing on your track Icebreakr. We have also spent alot of time goofing around on the jump. Fun stuff! Looking forward to your track as well Martin.
  8. This video is a tour of Icebrekr's Island Panthera in Auto-Stereoscopic 3D. If you are a fan of Icebreakr's work particularly Panthera, you will not want to miss this. I have made about 20 cross eyed 3d videos and have seen many more in my research about the way it is done. When I went into the video editor and started loading in and adjusting the Panthera shots, my jaw hit the floor. If you think this island is great in 2D, hold on to your hats. Here is a link to the original posting on my site http://3dhighlightreel.com/2011/10/31/3d-tour-of-island-panthera/ obphfFrQjPc?version=3&hl=en_US&hd=1
  9. Great stuff man. Looking forward to more.
  10. Hey guys! Long time no post. I have been neck deep in another project so it has been awhile since my last video. I have been working on a website called 3DHighlightReel.com that showcases game videos converted into Auto-Stereoscopic 3D. It just went live yesterday but it is still beta so go easy on me if you check it out. It is primarily geared towards sports games but has a section for non sports as well. This is my first video in the non-sports category, naturally it is Arma 2. It is a 3D profile of the AH-1Z. More vehicle profiles are coming and mor ein depth too. This type of 3D is becoming more popular but it does take practice if you have not viewed one before. How to view: When the 3D part of the video starts, look at the vertical line between the top two 3DHighlightReel.com logos in the video. Slowly cross your eyes until a third appears in the center, when your eyes focus it will be in 3D. Train your eyes down and look at the center of the video and it will be in 3D. BEST VIEWED FULL SCREEN in HD pL1ofLirzN0 You can also view an excellent "no glasses 3d" tutorial by morn1415 here:
  11. Yeah, in order to get the side by side shots some screen size is sacrificed. Arma 2 is not the best game to use this 3D method becuase it does not record every detail to be played back, which results in some fuzziness where renderings do not match up. I will probably try a land vehicle if I do another one and it should turn out better, but until a tool (please make one BIS:))comes out that can fully record the entire mission in every detail it will probably turn out similiar.
  12. Great video. I really enjoyed that:)
  13. g5YYprs-CI4 This is a parallel or "cross eyed" 3D video test of an A-10 flying through Icebreakr's Island Panthera to attack a Scud. If you have never viewed a cross eyed 3D video before, you do not need glasses to see it. Visit the link below to learn how to view it. If you are watching full screen(recommended) you may have to move your head back more in order to focus. Please note, because Arma 2 does not have a full mission record and play back the 3D expericnce is not quite what it could be. Plus, you will see some slight stutters in a couple parts due to the engine limitations in Arma2. Only certain things can be recorded and repeated(with unitcapture/unitplay), and true parallel 3D requires the exact same shots from slightly different angles without varience. I hope BIS gives us full mission record and playback in Arma 3, because some extremely epic 3D vids could be made with it. Thanks to defaultalreadytaken for the 3D vids that prompted me to test this out. Crosseyed 3D viewing tutorial zBa-bCxsZDk
  14. You are the man! I have been waiting for a GI Joe mod since Arma 2 was released. Thanks for this, I hope there are more on the way. If modding is in my future I will help expand on this. Learned recently that Arma 2 stuff will be easily portable to Arma 3 so any work now won't be lost in translation.
  15. I have been wanting a GI Joe mod in the worst way! Was thinking of making one when Arma 3 comes out. These look great, keep up the excellent work
  16. Thanks! It is me who should be thanking you for the awesome B-52 addon. I am particularly fond of the B-52 because my Grandfather flew on them so it was an easy decision for me on which plane I wanted give those aliens the business at the end of the vid:D ---------- Post added at 04:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ---------- Thanks man! You were instramental in how it turned out. Your idea to use the F-22's instead of the C130 I originally had in that scene made it alot better. ---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 AM ---------- Thanks for the front page on Armedzone! I did find a really cool site for sound effects very late in making this that I intend to use whenever I make another video.
  17. This is Onslaught, a Pre-Qual video to my last vid called Return of the Nephilim. It shows the first contact and attack on a US Military base overseas. This video would not be half of what it is without the contributions of Funk(Voice), Grub(Voice), KaaDragon(Custon Muzzle Flash in Anim), TJ72(Custom Targeting Script), and WinchesterDelta1 who was instrumental in the re-design of the intro where a C130J was replaced by F-22 raptors, fighter escort in B-52 scene, and other advice. Thanks guys, dcal wTSc_yOYgSI
  18. "Thanks :smile: I had the tunnels even in OFP where they behaved much better and AI could drive trough them better then in ArmA, but the good news is that it doesn’t stop here, when ArmA 3 comes out Taviana will be easy to port within a few days." That is excellent news. I was wondering about the possibility of transfering Arma 2 stuff to Arma 3. There is so much great stuff out there for Arma 2, If it is easy to convert it to Arma 3 than than I am even more excited for it than before. Your island looks amazing Martin, cant wait to play it in both Arma 2 and Arma 3.
  19. Looks like another work of art from Icebreakr is on the way! Can't wait.
  20. dcal

    World Invasion W.I.P.

    Cool! Glad to see you are moving forward with this. Looking forward to updates.
  21. Congratulations on the release Ghost. Thank you for all the hours and hard work you put into this. Lots of fun ahead with your VF-1 addon.:)
  22. Wow.....that is all I can think of... Wow
  23. There are several animations(moves) where the unit is clearly firing his weapon, but when the animation is played in the editor it has no muzzle flash or sound. I have been trying to figure out how this is done and I am stuck. I saw some info on the useweapon command but I could only get the weapon to fire one round (need a 5 to 10 second burst) and I could not get it to work during the animation when it is needed. Please help! dcal
  24. Yeah that is what I may have to do. I have a couple more long shot ideas I will try later though. Thanks for taking the time to help guys. If I get it solved I will post it for future reference.