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About melandor0

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  1. The music does this pitching thing when it is further away, can that be toggled off?
  2. Haha, my solution was... "overly elegant". Thanks a lot.
  3. I want to have a heli ride with music, but don't want the music to be directly broadcast to the player's "ears", but rather want it to radiate out from the helicopter. This effect is achieved by using triggers and under the "effects" option selecting a "trigger" sound. This could be used together with the attachTo used in that AC130 script, but how do I add "trigger" sounds via description.ext?
  4. I found the problem: Each unit needs it's own SecOps module. If they're synchronized to the same one, it won't work for both, only the first one synchronized with it. Silly problem, but solved. Thanks a lot, works perfectly for zone triggers now. So far just putting "player" has worked for radio operated triggers, but will this not work in multiplayer?
  5. I'll try that. Sounds perfect, thanks! Edit: No wait, I jumped to conclusions. As you wrote and as I found out this will only give the arty strike to one specific unit on the map, namely the first unit in thisList. In my test setup I have two units both linked to the SecOps module. One is player and the other is playable. The first one gets the arty strike when he enters the trigger, the second one doesn't. I need it so that if I enter the zone with the first unit, I get it and then I can go restart the mission immediately and then switch to the other unit and when he enters the zone he gets the arty strike instead. ReEdit: (I'm really sorry for the excessive editing but I'm a tool and I offer my apologies to you all for it) when you write "meet the condition requirements" do you mean the first unit which sets the trigger off? I hastily mistook it (in my first edit) for being the first unit on the map Capable of setting it off.
  6. melandor0

    civilian spawn

    I can't interpret what the page tells one to do but this article: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilians covers the Ambient Civilans module and the first entry under "optional parameters" covers what you're asking for, I think.
  7. I'm trying to set up a simple scenario where if a trigger is activated by a player - in this case just by entering the trigger zone - he receives an artillery strike to use with the SecOps module. The onActivation line right now is: [["artillery_barrage"], player1, [[Artillery1, [1,7,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; As is this'll only give the unit "player1" an artillery strike, not the activator. I'll probably not use this exact set-up later on but I need to know how to identify and use the name of the triggering unit. Thanks!