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About arpin_

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  1. I see your point. Well then, what if you have a projector and a curved silver screen that actually shows you the full scale fov. What do you expect the player to do? Just keep staring forward? In this case I could fix my eyes to something on my right and turn my ingame head right. My eyes could follow the point in the view. Ideally my head stays still, only eye movement. Now if you add motion blur my whole view gets blurred. Virtual reality only takes into account your ingame head's location and direction (camera). It doesn't mean that your eyes are "glued to the head". A game concerns only the head and the view it creates. In a game you only control your head not eyes. The view the game creates is only a projection for your real eyes. The same thing holds true for small monitors as well such as most of we have. My monitor allows me to view this virtual reality through a window that allows about 26 degrees of fov, depending how close I put the monitor in the front of me. Then the game's 75 fov is fitted in that screen. Yes, it's awfully narrow to allow any eye movement of my own but it doesn't change the fact that my eyes can work independently from the projection and that I can fix my sight to several points on my monitor. Motion blur is just an effect created to simulate the limited exposure time that cameras have.
  2. I'd turn it on but motion blur is a no go for me. What a shame. I really can't understand why BIS hasn't separated the motion blur from the other PP effects. Everybody's been complaining about it since ARMA 2 release.
  3. At least you ALWAYS get a rifle in RO. Hell, the Soviet Union has even enough grenades and ammo for each trooper in that game. :) ---------- Post added at 01:31 ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 ---------- I disagree. The blur makes the player basically blind for that short moment of head turn. This is not the case in real life. I can turn my head 90 degrees and still see clearly the thing I'm looking at, my eyes are NOT glued into my head. The blur simulates that kind of thing where you can't move your eyes independently from your head rotation. Another example, 180 degrees of head rotation. Obviously I cannot fix my sight to a single point now. Instead I have to take several points I look when I turn my head. This comes naturally also while looking through monitor. You need to consentrate your sight to something, and your eyes still cannot register everything if you turn quickly in the game even without motion blur. When you add motion blur it makes focusing your sight impossible thus making you visually impaired for that moment.
  4. I feel a little bit mixed about this. It sure does allow nasty clipping into objects but on the other hand it gives the freedom to do that "dance" anywhere not just next to obstacles. If you get stuck you can get moving again by vaulting and such. But yes, there is much to improve in it's implementation. Really I meant that it's reasonably slow to get over fences or other obstacles and that is something the current vaulting system surely simulates.
  5. BF3's vaulting is far from perfect when it comes to authenticity. It's way too fast and agile. I'd say it's very hard for a soldier carrying 20 kg of gear doing hurdles like olympic sportsman. At least, without losing balance and that Arma series doesn't simulate too well although you can be knocked back by vehicles in ArmA 3 ( I love that <3 ). I think current vaulting system is reasonably good. Maybe it could be a little bit faster. It'd be great if the time it takes to vault over obstacle would depend on the gear you're carrying and fatique.
  6. arpin_

    Xbox 360 Controller

    I assume that you mean you're trying to use the 'play and charge kit' to connect your pad to a pc. The play and charge kit is only for recharging the battery. You need a wireless usb receiver to use a wireless Xbox 360 pad on pc.
  7. I quickly read through the posts here, and is it really so that no one had any problems with the AToC grass? [Edit] Seems to be so that I'm not the only one with performance issues regarding AToC grass. Using AToC=7 drains even 15-20 fps when compared to AToC=6 setting (old style grass) or AToC=0 whatsoever. Theres no fps loss between atoc 6 and 0. I guess, I find it hard to believe that it should drop performance that much... I got HD5770 1Gb with CCC 11.1 drivers. 4xFSAA Objects: High
  8. PboView is a good tool for extracting pbo files.