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Posts posted by NiftyWolfie

  1. Hi There

    I have a little question which I'm hoping is easy to answer. I have the following line in my init

    ["Taskinformant","Secondary: Meet Informant","Make your way to the village and meet with the Informant we have in the area. Their Intel should help you to secure the Primary Objective.",true,[["mrkvillage1",village_1],["mrkvillage2",village_2],["mrkvillage3",village_3],["mrkvillage4",village_4]]],

    Now this works great but it uses the default markers. How do I alter that to use custom markers like you can add to a single marker ?

    I'm wanting them to show like below

    ["mil_unknown",getmarkerpos "mrkvillage1","Village","ColorGreen"]

    Basically using the green colour and the question mark marker.
