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Everything posted by pravinrocks4u

  1. What I observed is that Arma II Armory missions are very hard to complete.Please follow the link - ( ) to see the video, you'll notice, I couldn't find AKS 74U. All that I could do was just to reach the location and managed to survive! I suggest you please remove the time limit of 10 minutes or increase it to 20-30 minutes, so one can actually complete the task assigned to him. 10 min is too very less.OR give a option of selecting one or two team mates along with the player. ---------- Post added at 03:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ---------- The other day I was trying to defend a location for 4 min, I did comparatively well to defend it for 4 min , but I failed the mission, I still don't understand why did I fail! If you take a look and this link you'll know why I say that.
  2. pravinrocks4u

    Operation Arrowhead - Querry

    My experience with Arma II game goes like this..I started playing illegal version of this game around Feb end this year. Game got my quick attraction, thanks to nice graphics and need of good tactics to play this game. I enjoyed the game until FADE got activated and I started becoming 'Crow', my screen would start to wave, I couldn't aim properly & things like that. It was the game's beauty that forced me to buy this game. Buying this game in India was some other experience. This game isn't released in India. So I had to buy it online. It cost me around Rs. 2000 / - (thats a quite big amount as compared to $ 50 bucks) My downloaded version of the game was with the patch 1.05... so, as anybody would expect with the legal and fully patched version of the Game, it should work smoothly! but this isn't the case with me! I faced hell lot of problems in Mannhattan mission and Badlands mission. Currently I am playing Dogs of War mission. I don't know why but I can't play this mission without the fear of bugs. One of my purchased Units has already started not to obey my orders because of this I don't feel like continuing! I know I can complete this game the way I did Mannhattan mission. but it was Pain in A** to did it like that (like saving every after 5 min. if the game crashed then again go to previous state..like that) So the moral of the story is that I am not satisfied with the Game! and I will not encourage anybody to buy this game, even though I like the game! After seeing Video release for Operation Arrowhead I feel like buying it..but then again my head says don't go for it! My querry with OA is that Is OA gonna be free? if its not then make it free! because I think 90% of the game buyers are not satisfied with the Game not being bug free & I feel BIS should compensate for that. Please let me know your thoughts on this...
  3. :j: I was wondering how to tell team mates to throw a grenade or smoke?
  4. pravinrocks4u

    Trapped Unit - Help

    Yes this happened to me in Badlands mission, my unit 4 won't listen to my orders and say 'negative' to every order. :mad: what I did was I stopped him where he was and continued without him & successfully completed the mission! what BIS is doing about this???
  5. pravinrocks4u

    Manhatten Bug List

    How do you manage to buy a unit in Mannhattan Mission? ---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ---------- My experience was same as 'thyco'. I just don't understand why can't BIS fix all the bugs in the mission/game once and for all? I feel extremely frustrated when my team don't follow my orders. Feels like taken for ride by BIS...after all we all have purchased this game. When I played this game for the first time, it was a Pirated copy! FADE was getting activated in Mannhattan Mission. My team mates won't accept my orders then...but I liked the game so much that I purchased it hoping it would work fine..I am disappointed, the game is still buggy! :(
  6. pravinrocks4u

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Arma 2 Armory Steal an Item mission Arma 2 Armory Defend a location A simple Mission in Editor. Helicopter Demolition
  7. pravinrocks4u

    Armory: My final feedback

    you people might agree with my thoughts and suggestions or may have different opinion, pls check the thread and comment http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98897
  8. There is a predefined rule to complete Mannhattan mission and rest of the mission. You can't just go out and shoot the enemies! Every conversation to other characters and your reply to them in this game does mean something & have results cording to choices you have made. so just don't neglect any conversation, watch and listen it very carefully. If you are stucked at a particular point in a mission or do not know how to proceed please watch walkthroughs for this game on youtube...worth a try.
  9. pravinrocks4u

    Bitter Chill-help!!

    The best policy in this mission is to ask team mates to hold fire, formation column and avoid every single enemy and reach NAPA or CDF. And always remember move cover to cover and do not attack a single enemy. When I was playing this mission for the first time, I died only once, then I realized this mission was 'Escape' or 'Survive' type kind of mission instead of 'Find and Kill' type.