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Everything posted by JesusKryst

  1. JesusKryst

    Wanted --> Heli troop transport missions

    Ok thanks for the help. i am not really looking to make my own mission. I have a 2 yo daughter and she doesn't give me much time to do things like that. I was hoping someone around knew of a mission like this, and yes i have been "Searching the thread" for awhile on Armaholic also so thanks.
  2. Just want to say this game is great. The depth of what this game is capable of is just intense. I am always looking for new things to do to have fun. I like flying the Heli's specifically transporting troops. Is there a mission that i can transport troops into a battle under fire? I did a quick search in the forums and google but didnt come up with anything. Thanks for the help and keep up the excellent work and i will keep buying Bohemia games. Cheers
  3. Hey im a mature player looking for a Canadian or Western US squad. I would like some good team play. I am moving from crap server jumping looking for a good game and single player. Thanks