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Everything posted by stiankir

  1. yeah man! Found it in the ...\expansion\addons\mission_e.pbo however replacing the default planes with another one seems hard.
  2. Ok, first of all: Hey guys, and thanks for reading this post. I have been searching my arse off for about a week now. I really want to edit the already existing deathmatch-mission "DM 08 DOGFIGHTS", but I don't seem to find the .pbo, or anything related to it on my computer, even though I've played it thousand times before. Could someone please give me the location of the mission-files? I've been looking for them some time now. if they are inside a .pbo, could you tell me which one? I am really in need for this, seriously! --- Stiankir
  3. could you please explain to me where you find the Dogfight-mission on your computer, and how to open that one in the editor?
  4. hey guys, and thanks for a wonderful plane! I have one question though: How do I add a on/off-button to the afterburner? Which ones of the custom controls, are for the afterburner?