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About Dragster

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    Private First Class
  1. Need help with onMapSingleClick script so far i have onMapSingleClick "'target' setMarkerPos _pos; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"; _mk = createMarker ["target",[0,0]]; _mk setMarkerColor "colorRed"; _mk setMarkerShape "icon"; _mk setMarkerSize [1,1]; _mk setMarkerType "hd_destroy"; _mk setMarkerText "Close are Suport"; Hint " click the target area on the map"; And it works. but what im wondering are how to make it so that when i have clicked on the map and created the marker i wanted. I get the option to creat a new marker at another spot on the map with the onmapsingleclick.
  2. Dragster

    Addaction question

    Thanks for the fast answer. it works.
  3. I know how to add an action to object or unit. this addaction ["call in cas", "cas.sqf"]; what i wonder is it possible add the addaction to a leader of a group? and if that leader die the next leader of the group take over the addaction option.
  4. Dragster

    Help with a sript

    Thanks for the help that fixed it now the script looks like this _leader = _this select 0; IF ( alive _leader) then { waitUntil {{alive _x} count units GRP1<=3}; _leader addAction ["capture", "capture.sqs"]; };
  5. Here is a script i could use a little help with. _leader = _this select 0; While { alive _leader} do { If ({alive _x} count units GRP1 <= 3) then { _leader addAction ["capture", "capture.sqs"]; } }; When i try to run this it locks up my game. I think thats probably becouse im using the while command and the game locks running the script over and over again. It works fine if i use _leader = _this select 0; IF ( alive _leader) then { If ({alive _x} count units GRP1 <= 3) then { _leader addAction ["capture", "capture.sqs"]; } }; My problem is that when i use the If command the script only checks the conditions one time. do anyone know how to fix this so script continualy checks if the conditions are fullfiled??
  6. well i wasnt thinking about the pmc GPS video but that can work asswell all i have to do then i to prerecord a clip i guess. Is it possible to get some information on how to put prerecorded clipp into that gps bis video function. and what kind of file format it needs to be??? any help would be appriciated
  7. what im wonderin is it possible to make a cutscene that will pop up on just one corner of the screen during a mission and not the hole screen??
  8. Im using this script i made to fire arty at a group when a trigger gets activated. _unit = _This select 0; Target1 = _this select 1; While {triggerActivated mortar1} do { [group _unit , getPosASL leader target1, ["IMMEDIATE", "he", 1, 2]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; sleep 10; }; it works well but one problem is that it will just shoot at the unit that the current leader of the target group. What I need is to make the arty target random units in the targeted group? a second problem are how to make the arty less accurate at the moment it hits dead on the target if its not moving. any help would be nice
  9. I have a problem with USPS when i use it on a vehicle the vehicle moves to the first waypoint USPS makes but after that it just stand still. but on soldiers it works. im using this in the init line of the vehicles. nul = [this, 1500, "patrol3", "patrol3", 1500, "aware", 100, "NORMAL", "FILE",0,0] execVM "USPS.sqf"; Im using USPS v1.4
  10. thanks demobized you post helped alot not just with the script but helped me understand a few things i had missed wich was more important for me than the script. Thanks alot
  11. Ok im trying a little diffrent script now and cant get it to work _unit = _This select 0; _unitpos = _this select 1; if (_unit distance _unitpos >50) then { _unit doMove position _unitPos }; Cant get it to work _unit will not move to _unitpos im using call { [a1,player] execVM "domove.sqf"; } with radio alfa in a trigger to activate the sqf script I get it to work if i use _unit = _This select 0; _unitpos = _this select 1; _unit doMove position _unitPos; I added the distance stuff just to see how it would work. im just trying to get A1 to move to me as player when im 50 meters away from him again im not going to use it for anything im just trying to under stand sqf scripting and any help would be nice
  12. Thanks for the help it works now. And i forgot to say it was two bluefore soldiers. will try to give more details next time i need help:). Are not gonna use the script for anything just trying to understand scripting.
  13. ok im just trying to learn how to use sqf scripting trying to make a script and it dont work can some look at this and tell me what i have done wrong. i just made this script to try and understand basic scripting man1 are gonna shoot man2 when he gets closer than 50 meters the problem I have are that man 1 shoots man2 both if he are closer than 50meter and farther away than 50 meters. what have i done wronge? if { man1 distance man2 <50} then { man1 doFire man2 };
  14. yeah it worked thanks for the help
  15. im trying to make a small scene where i want the camera to zoom towards the a unit and end up in 1 personview. i think this should be possible with the camera view script _loon1 switchCamera "internal" but i have no idea where in the scene.sqs im making it should be for it to work so far it looks somthing like this _camera="camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] showCinemaBorder false; ;=== 11:16:39 _camera camPrepareTarget [-24976.61,83766.95,-52902.32] _camera camPreparePos [9384.48,6369.02,15.36] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 _camera camCommitPrepared 0 @camCommitted _camera ;=== 11:16:56 _camera camPrepareTarget [-23738.62,86776.91,-49119.66] _camera camPreparePos [9377.80,6384.93,2.46] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 _camera camCommitPrepared 10 @camCommitted _camera ;=== 11:33:00 _camera camPrepareTarget [-53012.85,78458.08,-30053.58] _camera camPreparePos [9378.33,6384.96,2.32] _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700 _camera camCommitPrepared 5 @camCommitted _camera ~10 Player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"] camdestroy_camera end1=true exit; how do i get the camera to switch into internal cameraView in the third camera position??