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10 Good

About RoekeloosNL

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  1. any new,s about the procces how its going (maybe new stuff)
  2. Any news for a big Update? about how its going ??
  3. can someone make a nice movie like 101st jumps at night above normandy with 88,s and flakvierling,s firing and you need to take them out or assault a farm. a nice movie like 10min :P (just like BoB)
  4. RoekeloosNL

    any ww2 servers?

    are there all ready servers with ww2 mods?
  5. Hello all, i made a acount just for this mod! it looks great i only not gonna download the beta i wait for 1.0 but do you guys know how long its going to take, i cant wait any more if its 1 to 2 week,s i wait but if its more then a month i just gonna download the beta any way :P looks great guys i gonna have a blast with this MOD. Keep it up! Gr Roekeloos PS: sry for my bad english