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Count players as trigger condition?
bvrettski posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm trying to create a trigger action that watches for opfor players to enter the trigger area. My issue is there will already be two opfor AI in the area. How can I make a condition that counts the number of opfor players in the trigger are and doesn't trigger until it reaches a certain number? In generic terms terms something like: count opfor in trigger area, if opfor count >=5 then ________. -
Count players as trigger condition?
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thank you I will try this. -
The following script is part of the Namalsk Crisis missions for Amra 2. I would like to adopt it for use on Namalsk in Wasteland for Arma 3. Credit to Sumrak for the super simple script. I added it to my wasteland mission and made the appropriate call in the init.sqf file. When my character spawns I see snow for a second or two then it stops. Can someone please help me understand what is triggering the snow. I believe it is looking for these two parameters: _this select 0: Double - time (default 3.0) _this select 1: Double - density (can be 0 - 1, default 0.5) I'm not sure what they represent in the overall mission but I have been unable to determine where those values would come from. Is it possible for me to change or rewrite these inside the script so the snow remains a constant percentage and isn't changing with time per say. I have a server up and running with much of the A3 Wasteland mission adopted for the Namalsk map. Any help is much appreciated. scriptName "fn_dzn_snowfall.sqf"; /* File: fn_dzn_snowfall.sqf Author: Sumrak Description: Simple snowfall script for Namalsk OR DayZ: Namalsk Parameter(s): _this select 0: Double - time (default 3.0) _this select 1: Double - density (can be 0 - 1, default 0.5) Returns: Nice snow particle effect with a proper density and for the defined time. */ private["_dzn_snow_density", "_dzn_snow_pc", "_dzn_snow_timer", "_isinbuilding", "_isInsideBuilding"]; if (isNil "_this") then { _this = []; }; if (count _this > 0) then { _dzn_snow_timer = abs (_this select 0); } else { _dzn_snow_timer = 3; }; if (count _this > 1) then { if ((_this select 1) != -1) then { _dzn_snow_density = abs ( 100 * (_this select 1)); } else { _dzn_snow_density = 10; }; } else { _dzn_snow_density = 50; }; _d = 35; _h = 18; _dzn_snow_pc = 0; snow = _dzn_snow_density / 100; _isInsideBuilding = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_modules\functions\external\fn_isInsideBuilding.sqf"; while {_dzn_snow_timer >= 0} do { _position = getPos player; if ([player] call _isInsideBuilding) then { _isinbuilding = true; } else { _isinbuilding = false; }; while {(_dzn_snow_pc < _dzn_snow_density) && !_isinbuilding} do { _dpos = [((_position select 0) + (_d - (random (2 * _d))) + ((velocity vehicle player select 0) * 6)), ((_position select 1) + (_d - (random (2 * _d))) + ((velocity vehicle player select 1) * 6)), ((_position select 2) + _h)]; drop ["\ca\data\cl_water", "", "Billboard", 1, 8, _dpos, wind, 1, 0.0001, 0.0, 0.5, [0.05, 0.05, 0.05], [[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]], [0, 0], 0.2, 1.2, "", "", ""]; _dzn_snow_pc = _dzn_snow_pc + 1; }; sleep 0.1; _dzn_snow_timer = _dzn_snow_timer - 0.1; _dzn_snow_pc = 0; }; snow = 0;
Random heli crashes for A3Wasteland missions- scripting help needed.
bvrettski posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
This section of code is from a Wasteland mission that flies a group of three choppers around the map using a town list as the waypoints. // behaviour on waypoints { _waypoint = _aiGroup addWaypoint [markerPos (_x select 0), 0]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _waypoint setWaypointFormation "VEE"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed _speedMode; } forEach ((call cityList) call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle); I'm trying to create a mission that will fly to a random number of waypoints then crash the chopper. I'm struggling with how to write the script to repeat the above X number of times (random between say 10-15 points and then crash the chopper. Any help would be much appreciated and the full / original script can be seen here: if (!isServer) exitwith {}; #include "mainMissionDefines.sqf" private ["_heliChoices", "_convoyVeh", "_veh1", "_veh2", "_veh3", "_createVehicle", "_vehicles", "_leader", "_speedMode", "_waypoint", "_vehicleName", "_vehicleName2", "_numWaypoints", "_box1", "_box2", "_box3"]; _setupVars = { _missionType = "Hostile Helicopters"; _locationsArray = nil; // locations are generated on the fly from towns }; _setupObjects = { _missionPos = markerPos (((call cityList) call BIS_fnc_selectRandom) select 0); _heliChoices = [ ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F"], ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", "O_Heli_Light_02_F"], ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "I_Heli_light_03_F"] ]; if (missionDifficultyHard) then { (_heliChoices select 0) set [0, "B_Heli_Attack_01_F"]; (_heliChoices select 1) set [0, "O_Heli_Attack_02_F"]; (_heliChoices select 2) set [0, "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"]; }; _convoyVeh = _heliChoices call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _veh1 = _convoyVeh select 0; _veh2 = _convoyVeh select 1; _veh3 = _convoyVeh select 1; _createVehicle = { private ["_type", "_position", "_direction", "_vehicle", "_soldier"]; _type = _this select 0; _position = _this select 1; _direction = _this select 2; _vehicle = createVehicle [_type, _position, [], 0, "FLY"]; _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true]; [_vehicle] call vehicleSetup; _vehicle setDir _direction; _aiGroup addVehicle _vehicle; // add a driver/pilot/captain to the vehicle // the little bird, orca, and hellcat do not require gunners and should not have any passengers _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldierC; _soldier moveInDriver _vehicle; switch (true) do { case (_type isKindOf "Heli_Transport_01_base_F"): { // these choppers have 2 turrets so we need 2 gunners _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldierC; _soldier moveInTurret [_vehicle, [1]]; _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldierC; _soldier moveInTurret [_vehicle, [2]]; }; case (_type isKindOf "Heli_Attack_01_base_F" || _type isKindOf "Heli_Attack_02_base_F"): { // these choppers need 1 gunner _soldier = [_aiGroup, _position] call createRandomSoldierC; _soldier moveInGunner _vehicle; }; }; // remove flares because it overpowers AI choppers if (_type isKindOf "Air") then { { if (["CMFlare", _x] call fn_findString != -1) then { _vehicle removeMagazinesTurret [_x, [-1]]; }; } forEach getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "magazines"); }; [_vehicle, _aiGroup] spawn checkMissionVehicleLock; _vehicle }; _aiGroup = createGroup CIVILIAN; _vehicles = [ [_veh1, _missionPos vectorAdd ([[random 50, 0, 0], random 360] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D), 0] call _createVehicle, [_veh2, _missionPos vectorAdd ([[random 50, 0, 0], random 360] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D), 0] call _createVehicle, [_veh3, _missionPos vectorAdd ([[random 50, 0, 0], random 360] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D), 0] call _createVehicle ]; _leader = effectiveCommander (_vehicles select 0); _aiGroup selectLeader _leader; _aiGroup setCombatMode "RED"; // units will defend themselves _aiGroup setBehaviour "COMBAT"; // units feel safe until they spot an enemy or get into contact _aiGroup setFormation "VEE"; _speedMode = if (missionDifficultyHard) then { "FULL" } else { "NORMAL" }; _aiGroup setSpeedMode _speedMode; // behaviour on waypoints { _waypoint = _aiGroup addWaypoint [markerPos (_x select 0), 0]; _waypoint setWaypointType "MOVE"; _waypoint setWaypointCompletionRadius 50; _waypoint setWaypointCombatMode "RED"; _waypoint setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT"; _waypoint setWaypointFormation "VEE"; _waypoint setWaypointSpeed _speedMode; } forEach ((call cityList) call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle); _missionPos = getPosATL leader _aiGroup; _missionPicture = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh1 >> "picture"); _vehicleName = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh1 >> "displayName"); _vehicleName2 = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _veh2 >> "displayName"); _missionHintText = format ["A formation of armed helicopters containing a <t color='%3'>%1</t> and two <t color='%3'>%2</t> are patrolling the island. Destroy them and recover their cargo!", _vehicleName, _vehicleName2, mainMissionColor]; _numWaypoints = count waypoints _aiGroup; }; _waitUntilMarkerPos = {getPosATL _leader}; _waitUntilExec = nil; _waitUntilCondition = {currentWaypoint _aiGroup >= _numWaypoints}; _failedExec = nil; // _vehicles are automatically deleted or unlocked in missionProcessor depending on the outcome _successExec = { // Mission completed _box1 = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Wps_F", _lastPos, [], 5, "None"]; _box1 setDir random 360; [_box1, "mission_DLC_Rifles"] call fn_refillbox; _box2 = createVehicle ["Box_East_Wps_F", _lastPos, [], 5, "None"]; _box2 setDir random 360; [_box2, "mission_USLaunchers"] call fn_refillbox; _box3 = createVehicle ["Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F", _lastPos, [], 5, "None"]; _box3 setDir random 360; [_box3, "mission_Main_A3snipers"] call fn_refillbox; { _x setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true] } forEach [_box1, _box2, _box3]; _successHintMessage = "The sky is clear again, the enemy patrol was taken out! Ammo crates have fallen near the wreck."; }; _this call mainMissionProcessor; -
Can you do scripting for Wasteland main and side missions?
Customizing Epoch StatusBar code with Restart Warning
bvrettski posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The Epoch custom hud (code below) displays a number of useful items but I would like to use its restart timer to display a built in restart warning. I could use a wee bit of coding help and all due credit will be added to the script. What I think we need is a simple if / then statement. if _time = 5 minutes then cutText ["Server restart in 5 minutes", "BLACK", 0.01]; As I am no coder I would really appreciate some help properly formatting and adding the needed line to this script: cutText appears to be the simplest solution for placing this warning center screen (where I want it) /* @file Version: 0.1 @file Name: statusBar.sqf @file EpochMod StatusBar Port for Wasteland by CRE4MPIE @file Created: 21/4/2015 @notes: Added custom Icons and ported Wasteland info. Still needs to be cleaned up a bit. */ waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; disableSerialization; _rscLayer = "osefStatusBarAdmin" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _rscLayer cutRsc["osefStatusBarAdmin","PLAIN"]; systemChat format["Initialized StatusBar...", _rscLayer]; [] spawn { uiSleep 5; //set the color values. //Additional color codes can be found here: _colourDefault = parseText "#adadad"; //set your default colour here _colour108 = parseText "#FF7000"; _colour107 = parseText "#FF9000"; _colour106 = parseText "#FFBB00"; _colour105 = parseText "#FFCC00"; _colour104 = parseText "#81CCDD"; _colour103 = parseText "#33AACC"; _colour102 = parseText "#3388CC"; _colour101 = parseText "#3366CC"; _colour100 = parseText "#336600"; _colour90 = parseText "#339900"; _colour80 = parseText "#33CC00"; _colour70 = parseText "#33FF00"; _colour60 = parseText "#66FF00"; _colour50 = parseText "#CCFF00"; _colour40 = parseText "#CCCC00"; _colour30 = parseText "#CC9900"; _colour20 = parseText "#CC6600"; _colour10 = parseText "#CC3300"; _colour0 = parseText "#CC0000"; _colourDead = parseText "#000000"; _uid = getPlayerUID player; while {true} do { uiSleep 1; //moved the creation of the status bar inside the loop and create it if it is null, //this is to handle instance where the status bar is disappearing if(isNull ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBarAdmin")displayCtrl 55554)) then { diag_log "statusbar is null create"; disableSerialization; _rscLayer = "osefStatusBarAdmin" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer; _rscLayer cutRsc["osefStatusBarAdmin","PLAIN"]; }; //initialize variables and set values _unit = _this select 0; _damage = round ((1 - (damage player)) * 100); //_damage = (round(_damage * 100)); _hunger = ceil (hungerLevel max 0); _thirst = ceil (thirstLevel max 0); _wallet = player getVariable ["cmoney",0] call fn_numbersText; _stamina = player getVariable ["bmoney",0] call fn_numbersText; _energy = 100; _energyPercent = 100; _serverFPS = round diag_fps; _pos = getPosATL player; _dir = round (getDir (vehicle player)); _grid = mapGridPosition player; _xx = (format[_grid]) select [0,3]; _yy = (format[_grid]) select [3,3]; _time = (round(360-(serverTime)/60)); //edit the '240' value (60*4=240) to change the countdown timer if your server restarts are shorter or longer than 4 hour intervals _hours = (floor(_time/60)); _minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60)); switch(_minutes) do { case 9: {_minutes = "09"}; case 8: {_minutes = "08"}; case 7: {_minutes = "07"}; case 6: {_minutes = "06"}; case 5: {_minutes = "05"}; case 4: {_minutes = "04"}; case 3: {_minutes = "03"}; case 2: {_minutes = "02"}; case 1: {_minutes = "01"}; case 0: {_minutes = "00"}; }; //Colour coding //Damage _colourDamage = _colourDefault; if(_damage >= 100) then{_colourDamage = _colour100;}; if((_damage >= 90) && (_damage < 100)) then {_colourDamage = _colour100;}; if((_damage >= 80) && (_damage < 90)) then {_colourDamage = _colour80;}; if((_damage >= 70) && (_damage < 80)) then {_colourDamage = _colour70;}; if((_damage >= 60) && (_damage < 70)) then {_colourDamage = _colour60;}; if((_damage >= 50) && (_damage < 60)) then {_colourDamage = _colour50;}; if((_damage >= 40) && (_damage < 50)) then {_colourDamage = _colour40;}; if((_damage >= 30) && (_damage < 40)) then {_colourDamage = _colour30;}; if((_damage >= 20) && (_damage < 30)) then {_colourDamage = _colour20;}; if((_damage >= 10) && (_damage < 20)) then {_colourDamage = _colour10;}; if((_damage >= 1) && (_damage < 10)) then {_colourDamage = _colour0;}; if(_damage < 1) then{_colourDamage = _colourDead;}; //Hunger _colourHunger = _colourDefault; if(_hunger >= 100) then{_colourHunger = _colour100;}; if((_hunger >= 90) && (_hunger < 100)) then {_colourHunger = _colour90;}; if((_hunger >= 80) && (_hunger < 90)) then {_colourHunger = _colour80;}; if((_hunger >= 70) && (_hunger < 80)) then {_colourHunger = _colour70;}; if((_hunger >= 60) && (_hunger < 70)) then {_colourHunger = _colour60;}; if((_hunger >= 50) && (_hunger < 60)) then {_colourHunger = _colour50;}; if((_hunger >= 40) && (_hunger < 50)) then {_colourHunger = _colour40;}; if((_hunger >= 30) && (_hunger < 40)) then {_colourHunger = _colour30;}; if((_hunger >= 20) && (_hunger < 30)) then {_colourHunger = _colour20;}; if((_hunger >= 10) && (_hunger < 20)) then {_colourHunger = _colour10;}; if((_hunger >= 1) && (_hunger < 10)) then {_colourHunger = _colour0;}; if(_hunger < 1) then{_colourHunger = _colourDead;}; //Thirst _colourThirst = _colourDefault; switch true do{ case(_thirst >= 100) : {_colourThirst = _colour101;}; case((_thirst >= 90) && (_thirst < 100)) : {_colourThirst = _colour102;}; case((_thirst >= 80) && (_thirst < 90)) : {_colourThirst = _colour103;}; case((_thirst >= 70) && (_thirst < 80)) : {_colourThirst = _colour104;}; case((_thirst >= 60) && (_thirst < 70)) : {_colourThirst = _colour105;}; case((_thirst >= 50) && (_thirst < 60)) : {_colourThirst = _colour106;}; case((_thirst >= 40) && (_thirst < 50)) : {_colourThirst = _colour107;}; case((_thirst >= 30) && (_thirst < 40)) : {_colourThirst = _colour108;}; case((_thirst >= 20) && (_thirst < 30)) : {_colourThirst = _colour20;}; case((_thirst >= 10) && (_thirst < 20)) : {_colourThirst = _colour10;}; case((_thirst >= 1) && (_thirst < 10)) : {_colourThirst = _colour0;}; case(_thirst < 1) : {_colourThirst = _colourDead;}; }; //Energy _colourEnergy = _colourDefault; if(_energyPercent >= 100) then{_colourEnergy = _colour100;}; if((_energyPercent >= 90) && (_energyPercent < 100)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour90;}; if((_energyPercent >= 80) && (_energyPercent < 90)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour80;}; if((_energyPercent >= 70) && (_energyPercent < 80)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour70;}; if((_energyPercent >= 60) && (_energyPercent < 70)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour60;}; if((_energyPercent >= 50) && (_energyPercent < 60)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour50;}; if((_energyPercent >= 40) && (_energyPercent < 50)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour40;}; if((_energyPercent >= 30) && (_energyPercent < 40)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour30;}; if((_energyPercent >= 20) && (_energyPercent < 30)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour20;}; if((_energyPercent >= 10) && (_energyPercent < 20)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour10;}; if((_energyPercent >= 1) && (_energyPercent < 10)) then {_colourEnergy = _colour0;}; if(_energyPercent < 1) then{_colourEnergy = _colour0;}; //Stamina _colourStamina = _colourDefault; //display the information ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBarAdmin")displayCtrl 55554)ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[" <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\players.paa' color='%10'/> %2</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%11'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\health.paa' color='%11'/> %3%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\money.paa' color='%10'/> $%4</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%12'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\hunger.paa' color='%12'/> %5%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%13'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\thirst.paa' color='%13'/> %6%1</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\atm.paa' color='%10'/> $%9</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'>FPS: %7</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%15'><img size='1.0' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\compass.paa' color='%10'/> %17</t> <t shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' color='%10'><img size='1.6' shadowColor='#000000' image='client\icons\stopwatch.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, _hunger, _thirst, _serverFPS, _energyPercent, _stamina, _colourDefault, _colourDamage, _colourHunger, _colourThirst, _colourEnergy, _colourStamina, format["%1/%2",_xx,_yy], _dir, _hours, _minutes ]; }; }; -
Can anyone point me to the variable or mission setting that would allow me to update markers on a set time rather than immediate updates. For example update a map marker every 30 seconds. What kind of cose should be added to delay the update action?
Minimum player count check for bounty mission
bvrettski posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I'm now messing with a bounty system that is part of A3Wasteland. I want to make the mission check for a minimum number of available players. Here is the code section that searches for a player: //select a random player _players = playableUnits; _count = count _players; // Find out how many players are currently alive _alivePlayerCount = 0; for "_x" from 0 to (_count - 1) do { _p = _players select _x; if (alive _p) then { _alivePlayerCount = _alivePlayerCount + 1; }; }; if (_alivePlayerCount == 0) exitWith {}; // Keep looping over players until we find an alive one _finished = 0; scopeName "main"; while {true} do { _random = floor(random _count); _potentialPlayer = _players select _random; if (alive _potentialPlayer) then { _foundPlayer = _potentialPlayer; _finished = 1; }; if (_finished == 1) then {breakTo "main"}; // Breaks all scopes and return to "main" sleep 0.1; }; How difficult would it be to build in a check so the minimum number of players must be 3 or more? There really is no point in running this type of mission when there are less players than that. Can this line be edited something like this: if (_alivePlayerCount < 3) exitWith {}; -
I'm building a custom version of Wasteland and trying to create a much more random experience. To that end I'd like to build in random timers for the missions so they arey arent like clockwork. For example: From the default_config.sqf file for the A3Wasteland mission there is the following setting: Line 135: A3W_mainMissionDelay = 10*60; // Time in seconds between Main Missions The other reference to this setting is in the mainMissionController.sqf : Line 10: #define MISSION_CTRL_DELAY (["A3W_mainMissionDelay", 15*60] call getPublicVar) I have been trying to write code that would randomize the mission delay between 10*60 (10 minutes) and 20*60 (20 minutes) with no success. With bypassing the variable and adding it to the MissionController or as a variable within the config file. I think it would be best if were coded into the config file but either way is acceptable. Can someone give me a little coding assistance because as coding noob I'm fumbling around trying to make this work without a proper understanding of the format needed to make it work.
Random Mission Timers
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
It works but the only downside is the missions are announced with fractions of a second instead of 10 minutes it will say 10.3659 seconds. lol -
Random Mission Timers
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks. Testing now -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I've been tinkering with the A3Wasteland drug runners side mission. (and yes I'm just a trial and error hack when it come to coding). I'm working with the following section of code and would like to customize it a bit. So far my experiments have been fruitless so I could use some help if anyone is so inclined: { // Mission completed _drugpilerandomizer = [4,8,12]; _drugpile = _drugpilerandomizer call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; for "_i" from 1 to _drugpile do { private["_item"]; _item = [ ["lsd", "Land_WaterPurificationTablets_F"], ["marijuana", "Land_VitaminBottle_F"], ["cocaine","Land_PowderedMilk_F"], ["heroin", "Land_PainKillers_F"] ] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [_item, _lastPos] call _drop_item; }; _explosivePos = getPosATL (_vehicles select 0); _explosive = createMine ["SatchelCharge_F", _explosivePos, [], 0]; _explosive setDamage 1; _successHintMessage = "You have stopped the drugs runners but they blew up their car! The drugs are yours to take!"; }; At the end of the drop drugs section I would like to make the mission pause for a period of time (2 seconds), then play a sound file, pause again (1 second) and then have the explosion take place. I tried inserting the following: //Experimental language - Boom Pause _waitUntil {sleep 2}; _playSound3D [call currMissionDir + "client\sounds\drugrunners.wss"]; _waitUntil {sleep 1}; //Experimental language - End To be clear the sequence I am looking for is: 1. Drop the drugs 2 Wait 2 seconds 3. play sound file 4. Pause 1 second 5. Set off explosion The drop drugs and set off explosion sections are working fine. Needless to say it my weak attempt at coding didnt work. Any help or pointers to proper coding in this regard would be much appreciated. -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks for everyone's help. After a little additional experimentation, I was able to get this to work perfectly. :) _successExec = { // Mission completed sleep 3; _explosivePos = getPosATL (_vehicles select 0); _explosive = createMine ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", _explosivePos, [], 0]; _explosive setDamage 1; _box1 = createVehicle ["Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", _lastPos, [], 2, "None"]; _box1 setDir random 360; [_box1, "mission_Explosives"] call fn_refillbox; { _x setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true] } forEach [_box1]; sleep 3; _soundPath = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _soundToPlay = _soundPath + "addons\breakLock\sounds\carhorn.ogg"; playSound3D [_soundToPlay, _box1]; sleep 2; _explosivePos = getPosATL (_vehicles select 0); _explosive = createMine ["IEDUrbanBig_F", _explosivePos, [], 0]; _explosive setDamage 1; sleep 5; _successHintMessage = "Area clear!! The suicide bombers are dead and the explosives are yours...if you survived."; }; On a followup question isn't there a library of built in sounds in the game? I can't find a listing of them online. -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Tried it multiple times to make sure I was covering my bases but could not get it to work. Here is the entire segment of the code: _successExec = { // Mission completed sleep 3; _explosivePos = getPosATL (_vehicles select 0); _explosive = createMine ["SatchelCharge_F", _explosivePos, [], 0]; _explosive setDamage 1; sleep 1; _box1 = createVehicle ["Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", _lastPos, [], 2, "None"]; _box1 setDir random 360; [_box1, "mission_Explosives"] call fn_refillbox; { _x setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true] } forEach [_box1]; _missionRoot = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _sound = _missionRoot + "sounds\testsound.ogg"; playSound3d [_sound, player]; sleep 5; _explosivePos = getPosATL (_vehicles select 0); _explosive = createMine ["IEDUrbanBig_F", _explosivePos, [], 0]; _explosive setDamage 1; _successHintMessage = "Congrats! The suicide bombers are dead and the explosives are yours...if you survived."; }; I also found similar code to yours in another Wasteland addon and tried it with no success (Although it does work properly in the addon): _soundPath = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _soundToPlay = _soundPath + "addons\breakLock\sounds\carhorn.ogg"; playSound3D [_soundToPlay, _vehicle, false, getPosASL _vehicle, 1, 1, 0]; -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I see what ya did there. :) I'll give it a go. Thanks -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I think you're correct. playSound3D does not seem to work or I'm not scripting it properly. Will try say3D -
Side mission scripting help needed for noob
bvrettski replied to bvrettski's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks for getting back to me... So just: _sleep 2; _playSound3D ["client\sounds\drugrunners.wss"]; _sleep 1; ?? -
With so much of Arma being about the additional community content it would seem to we need a better system built into the game for installing, missions, mods, and maps. Yes there is the Steam Workshop but its not designed (yet) to sort out these addons and present them in a way lets players efficiently sort, search and find the ones they want / need. Yes there is Play with 6 which begs the question why isnt BI providing PW6 type features into the game. I would rather see BI built this into the game than rely on a third party to build and support what should be a core part of the game. It seems so central to the core of A3 multiplayer that it should be built in. Additionally why is the server browser so broken? Its never worked as it should and entering more than one search option resulted in a list so small you would think everyone has quit playing A3 all together. A better system is needed BI.
I would like to add some notifications to our wasteland mission including things like restart times and instructions on how to save your player. I have seen this done with Sa-matras Wasteland. He uses a small graphic with some text that appears at the bottom half of the page for 5 seconds or so. I would liek to be able to control how often these every 30 minutes or 30 seconds after a player spawns. Yes I know we could use Battleye extended commands to do this but I want a better, more visible solution besides scrolling text no one pays attention to. Any assistance or a pointer to a sample would be great. Thanks
One of the big issues with new maps, in my opinion, is that BI didnt create a very robust method supporting them. With most other games when new maps and games roll out you simple join the server, download the map or mission and your in. ARMA lacks that system as the maps are huge and the download time would be crazy. Instead they left is to 3rd parties and or the open community. Play with ^ is a good example. Unfortunately until they fix, grow, enhance the A3 server browser and include some method for letting users get those new maps...they wont get played very much. Its just short sightedness on Bi's part to encourage the community to develop for them then give them no good ways to make their missions and maps available to players directly.
FPS Drops After ~45 minutes of Gameplay
bvrettski replied to Whispy's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Dwarden.... we see this all the time. Its not new to A3. Its been going on sicne day one of the A3 release and perhaps back to A2. Go on almost any populated server right after a server restart. With a good system you'll see 70 or 80 FPS if your optimized but as time rolls on, the server populates and the mission runs longer the fps drops. Sometimes it seems to happen all at once and other times its just a slow decay. I've seen mine drop from the aforementioned 80 fps down to the mid 30's. Under extreme conditions even the high 20's. Unplayable. I usually log out and take a break or find another game to play that runs just a little bit better. The issue here in the forums, then become a cyclical debate over the state of Arma 3 engine vs the mission coding vs the players computer setup with no clear cut answers from BI. I'm sure you BI guys can't be content knowing the game goes through this and that thousands of players suffer through this bad performance all the time. It would sure be refreshing if BI would at least acknowledge the problems and give us some assurance they its important enough to be fixed. I'm not a DICE fan but at least they fall on the sword when their game is having issues...even if it is after they took your money.:D If your going to put us on giant maps, with big objectives and expect us to play for hours then it would sure be nice to know that A3 was going to run consistent enough to be playable without performance degrading over time. -
I noticed several of the wasteland servers are running missions with none of the server files in their mission pbo package. This has a nice effect on two fronts. It keeps people from ripping off your mission and it makes the download of the mission smaller for the end user. If you know how this is being done I would appreciate some help and instruction as we would like to do this on our servers. Thanks
I'm not sure this contest is going to have the desired effect. If the intention here is to gas light a lot of community development for new / extra content, fill in all the parts BI doesn't have time or interest in doing themselves, then who is to say that people aren't going to work on things and just not release them publicly. I'm sure some people will have no problem opening up their creations whether they enter the contest or not but I wouldn't be surprised to see a large number of communities, scripters, mappers and modders etc sitting on their creation because they don't want their ideas ripped off by someone else. Instead of a flood of cool stuff to play you may end up with a vacuum of content until this contest is over.
Tried playing on US 1 and US 3 ..both are lagging really bad. Server uptimes are 7 hours. Lots of speed up / slow down. Feels like FPS lag but its not. Also noted some of the geocaches are in bad spots where you will glitch on the rocks and get stuck. You would think they would have fixed that issue by now.
Our community has been playing the latest version of wasteland on US #1 and US #3. We have seen a number of things which are eating into the games fun, performance and playablity. 1. In game stutter. Charactures while walking and driving seem to speed up slow down, speed up slow down about every 3-4 seconds. Monitoring FPS it does not seem to be fps drop. Its highly annoying and makes the game play clunky. I thought perhaps it was just my system but I polled all our players and others that were in game and a vast number of them reported having the same issues. 2. Glitching gear, cars, structures and AI. At times objects will just plain vanish. Cars will be misplaced and shift positions as you grow close to them. 3. Servers begin to suffer lag and desync as they are run longer without restarts. AI starts to glitch. I knwo they are on 12 hour restarts but late in that cycle the game is almost unplayable. It become almost impossible to accurately shoot at another player or the AI. Cars jump positions and cause crashes long after you have passed them. Major events like explosions and wrecks happen on a delay and bog down the overall game play. 4. Hatchbacks that spawn in sand (in the south) are unusable. They can not move or be driven. It might be best to take them out until that glitch is fixed by BI. All in all the whole mission seems to be suffering from too much overhead and I'm sure its not being helped by the issues still seen in the base game. I hope you can bring back the smoother game play we saw in earlier versions. Sometimes less is more and I'd gladly trade more consistent game play for less bells and whistles. Thanks for all your work. Those of us that play do appreciate it.