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  1. It's OK the NoW as gone and Murdoch is protecting those who know everything. But how long before the politicians start there own cover up, as well as members of the met police who are said to passed on info to reporters http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/cameron-murdoch-and-a-greek-island-freebie-971470.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/jul/06/phone-hacking-david-cameron-forced-to-act?intcmp=239 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jul/07/murdoch-empire-british-politics-cameron http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/jul/06/simon-hoggart-murdoch-phone-hacking
  2. Lincks

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    Why does he have a court order forbidding the use of the name, or maybe he's got a copywright on it, and which one of the 32 with that name live within 50 miles of me according to public records and should he sue them :D The point is don't believe anything in the british daily tabloids, Here is some of crap printed in the tabloids World War 2 Bomber Found on Moon, 14 August 1988. World War 2 Bomber Found on Moon Vanishes, 21 August 1988. Bus Found Buried At South Pole, 12 February 1989. Aliens Turned Our Son Into A Fish Finger, 1996. Donkey Robs Bank, 14 July 1996. Marilyn Monroe is Alive & Working as a Nanny, 26 January 1998. Woman Gives Birth To 8lb Duck, 30 June 1990. Statue of Elvis found on Mars, 1 October 1989. :yay:
  3. Lincks

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    I work with somebody called "Andy Harrison" it may be him
  4. Lincks

    AMD processors and graphics cards issues.

    You sholud have no problem, I run AMD Phenom II X6 1055T processor 3.5 GHZ using AMD overdrive, 8 gig dual memory ATI 5870 1gig (only had to roll driver back to 10.12 had problems with other drivers)I run everything on full 5km view distance and averge out at 50-60 fps (lows 25-30 highs over 100) and you have higher spec graphics. Try using Arma 11 launcher by Spirted Machine to configure game http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241&highlight=ARMA+11+LAUNCHER
  5. Lincks

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Robin Hood had a Saracen assassin in his merry band
  6. Lincks

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Is it the countdown thats been hached??????
  7. I think the idea is to see if enough people are intrested in the addon, and make comments on what they would like to see from it, see dc-10 thread,
  8. Voted No The loss of choice is always a bad thing