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Posts posted by Zoz

  1. Perhaps the poll is badly worded, but the result seems to be pretty unidiretional, just like the ragdoll physic poll, so maybe Bis should look into it, adding at least avatar responses to injuries(flinching ecc) imo.

    One question though: would introducing "full gore" make the game have some restrictions in Countries like Germany and Australia?

  2. So you need other people to tell you why should you buy a game.. How about making up your own mind? Plus its not like we know a lot more than you do, on Arma 3, other than the fact that it is part of the Arma franchise (that implies a lot of things, though).

    If you want to base your opinion on facts, head to the Arma 3 site and read the confirmed features. If you also care about (wild) speculations read the Arma 3 forum.

    The best thing you can do right now is to play the Arma 2 demo, just to understand what the game is about.. Because if you are expecting something like battlefield you are on the wrong forum. Yes, there are weapons, vehicles ecc but you know, there are cars in both Trackmania and Rfactor and they are totally different games.

    The thing I dont understand is why do you need to know if you should buy the game right now, circa one year before release.. How about waiting for the devs to confirm some other features or to pull out some actual gameplay video, if you really are in doubt?

  3. Yeah the lack of interest for this game in this forum is quite weird!

    I was also surprised by the amount of trolling and flaming Combat Mission got in this thread, a while ago..

    You would expect this game to be fairly popular or at least respected on a mil-sim forum.

  4. Its bright and shining here thou the weather is not as good as it might have been.

    If i were him i'd check properly under the rocks in the middle of the image - no digging required.

    Don't worry - he should be back soon with some interesting stuff.

    You are the insider! :eek: Get him boyos!

  5. Its only 3 hours, he will need a total of 4 to 5 hours to get there and back, plus its already night over there now, I don't think we will hear from him soon, if BI staff didn't kill him that is:p

    Already night?

    Wednesday, 4 May 2011, 18:43:24 CEST

  6. Roughly translated highlights of the GamesVillage.it preview :

    The third episode of one of the most loved game series promise to bring to the extreme the realism of battles that take place in open field, without medikits and with traps and ambushes every step you take bla bla bla...


    -Simulative and extremely tactic.

    -Ego engine can be pushed to its limits.

    -Promising co-op.


    -The simulative approach might push away some players.

    -PvP absent at the moment.

    Other quotes:


    We have a lot of FPS, but there are only a few realistic and difficult experiences like Operation Flashpoint...


    .. no scripts, no magical healing kits, no enemies respawning every time you kill them..

    Copy-Pasta from the Codemasters PR anyone?

  7. Im running a lot of mods like Ace, zeus, gl4 and slx, but before the patch I have never experienced any problem!

    After I patched the game up to 1.55 I have never been able to play for more than 10 minutes without a crash.

    So I made some tests and I believe that for some reason its the slx mod that is causing the crashes, just a rough guess though.

    Anyway this is what I get in the rpt:

    Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)

    Virtual memory free 48 MB (50757632 B)

    Physical memory free 7 MB (8167424 B)

    Page file free 483 MB (507256832 B)

    Process working set 851 MB (892878848 B)

    Process page file used 3727 MB (3909083136 B)

    Runtime reserved 3196 MB (-943521792 B)

    Runtime committed 3184 MB (-956030976 B)

    Longest free VM region: 983040 B

    VM busy 4261179392 B (reserved 273264640 B, committed 3987914752 B, mapped 60915712 B), free 33656832 B

    Small mapped regions: 8, size 36864 B

    Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)

    Virtual memory free 48 MB (50757632 B)

    Physical memory free 514 MB (539267072 B)

    Page file free 502 MB (526524416 B)

    Process working set 853 MB (894455808 B)

    Process page file used 3727 MB (3909083136 B)

    Runtime reserved 3196 MB (-943521792 B)

    Runtime committed 3184 MB (-956030976 B)

    Longest free VM region: 983040 B

    VM busy 4261179392 B (reserved 273264640 B, committed 3987914752 B, mapped 60915712 B), free 33656832 B

    Small mapped regions: 8, size 36864 B

    ErrorMessage: Out of memory (requested 0 KB).

    footprint -977076224 KB.

    pages 32768 KB.

    Note that I have been able to play Vanilla OA for hours without major problems or crashes.

    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit.

    2 GB ram.



    Btw im also running the beta, but it doesnt help.

  8. And another two guys who play TF2 and the likes. I still havn't seen a guy who said he loves to play ArmA or OFP. :(


    Well, its not that taking inspiration from Team Fortress 2 would be a bad thing.

    But taking inspiration from Team Fortress 2 to develop a "very focused" mil-sim.. well, *that* is a bad idea..

    But if I was interest in RR, and I am not, I would love if the devs could bring in some ideas from TF2.. Like: team selection? Hats?:yay:

    However the fact that the devs plays those kind of games does not mean that much.
