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Everything posted by poOBah.

  1. poOBah.

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    I.ve been playing Joint Operations since 2005,. It really been the only thing keeping me going in FPS gamming,. BF2-SF and COD2 were around back then, They lasted for less than 100hrs of my time lol. Thats the only COD title I own I figured they all the same just take place in different times, Senerios change, Gamplay stays the same shit level its been since day one lol. any way what Im getting at is this is the best Military fps I ever played and I dont think anyone will match this other then the creators at Bohemia themselves.. Well F*n Done! And to da Competition>>
  2. Hey has anyone having problems with keys not working in multiplayer, My escape key fails to work also Enter is my select key which fails also,. Its like my keyboard has memory problems but thats not the problem.. Is it possible you can get a game virus through downloading of maps? my problem feels kinda like that I dont know what else it could be.. Asus M2N-E SLi 4gig ram AMD Athlon 64x2 6000+ Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 core 216. Frustrating shit:confused:
  3. I'll be back to Bitch and Moan if anything else arises lol.
  4. I have a G110. Anyway I defaulted my settings,. After that my ESC key worked, I find it weird that ESC cant be changed it is a reserved key but yet it failed to work.. So I defaulted the keys then remapped them, they are working fine now, But for how long??
  5. I have no mods,. I reinstalled the game still no luck. ESC still doesnt work,. Still cant enter vehicles nor climb ladders. Have to ALT-F4 out of the frikkin game. I reinstalled my keyboard. I got nothing else running but this game. I enter maps but cant shoot. My enter button has majically switched itself to a TAP of the scroll wheel for some reason. When I load into a server I cant move it only allowes me to follow other players but not play,. The only game i like to play is seriously Fkedup!