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About ShaggyDowns

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  1. ShaggyDowns

    Conspiracies: Rising Dead

    Whenever I try to go to your website Sled it's down? What's up with that? I recently loaded ARMA II back on to my box and wanted to play your mod MP COOP with my buddy. How can I do this? I remember you posting a link for the MP Update, but again, you website is down or the link doesn't work. I also don't see this MP update patch anywhere on the first page of this forum, unlike what that one dude said some posts up. Can you play all the DLCs MP COOP as well? We are really interested in giving this a go. Please let me know. Thanks!
  2. Hi Beton, Thanks for getting back to me! I did what you recommended and I got the Hurtgenwald map to finally work correctly (sweet!). Now the issue is the Nome maps, they still crash to desktop when I create a mission and try to preview it. I also made sure everything related to that map was cleaned out of the original "@31stWWA2" folder as well. Any suggestions? ~SD~
  3. Hello, I have a quick question about the ingame map. When I am in the map editor I can scroll way down in to place units and stuff. However, when I actually play the map and use the ingame map as one of my units, I can't scroll in that far. I also can't see anything to really give orders because the green circles (trees) take up alot of space. It makes attacking a town sorta difficult when assigning unit orders off the ingame map. Can you adjust this or is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance! ~SD~
  4. Hello, I have a quick question about the ingame map. When I am in the map editor I can scroll way down in to place units and stuff. However, when I actually play the map and use the ingame map as one of my units, I can't scroll in that far. I also can't see anything to really give orders because the green circles (trees) take up alot of space. It makes attacking a town sorta difficult when assigning unit orders off the ingame map. Can you adjust this or is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance! ~SD~
  5. Hello, I have both your mods installed, "@bet_huertgen_1.11" & "@bet_addons_1.47" along with, "@31stWWA2" & "@Wx_WW". My game completely crashes to desktop when ever I tried to run your Hürtgenwald map in the game mission editor. Any idea why or how to fix it? P.S. I tried your Nome Island maps (winter & summer) and they also crash me right to desktop whenever I try to preview my mission using your maps in the map editor. Thanks in advance! ~SD~
  6. Hello, I just got the mod installed and it's taking a long time to load when I select the map wizard in MP to create a custom map. When I try to edit the map it takes like at least a couple minutes to load the edit screen. Then I make some changes and hit preview and it takes another couple minutes to load. Any idea why? Everything else seems fine. I haven't had any slow loading issues with creating mp maps with the normal game or other mods I've tried. Thanks in advance! ~SD~
  7. Hello, I am having some issues/errors with your mod. I tried making a quick mp map using the mission wizard. When I spawn in to test it out, I get an error that says can't load or find texture "rwweapon\data\mg34_1_co.paa". My guys spawn in with a modern weapon and skin. I've also gotten the following error as, you can't play/edit this mission; it is dependant on downloadable content that has been deleted "aqu_smine-patch". I have your mod installed and all 3 patches as well. For the patches, all you had to do was copy them over and replace the files in the addons folder correct? If anyone can help me take care of these issues, it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance! ~SD~
  8. Hello, I just got the mod installed and it's taking a long time to load when I select the map wizard in MP to create a custom map. When I try to edit the map it takes like at least a couple minutes to load the edit screen. Then I make some changes and hit preview and it takes another couple minutes to load. Any idea why? Everything else seems fine. ~SD~