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About spartanx

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  1. spartanx

    F-22A Raptor

    how is work coming on this mod?
  2. Is there any way to have the AI drop cargo at a certain trigger or spot.Thanks for the script
  3. how would you set up a map click to spawn an aircraft and than delete it after it reaches the maker and bombs?
  4. Here are some scripts i have found in the forums that allow easy to con fig set ups for modules. This one is for coin Aka construction interface just put this in the init.sqf .Than name your coin module mycoin and synchronize with player F7 in game if u want to add objects to build i suggest downloading this = http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5895 Next is some customizable setting for the SOM aka SecOps Manger easily listed with what each variable does put this into init.sqf .Than name your secops module BIS_SOM and synchronize with player F7 in game somsettings is what your going to name the sqf below when you save it. I suggest using arma edit which i will provide a link to at the end of post to make saving and editing scripts easier. once the sqf is saved put it into your mission folder Next is the ACM,AKA Ambient Combat Module Jut put this in init.sqf and name the ACM BIS_ACM and synchronize with player F7 in game. Here is a complete Init.sqf if you want to use it or just to c as an example here is a link to arma edit http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1455
  5. What would I do if I wanted to have a B-52 spawn do a bombing run from using a radio command and going to a map click and than disappearing?
  6. spartanx

    Weapon Respawn

    I dont know how to run it from trigger like do i have to make it cover the respawn area or do i make special setting other than the change to the condition and on act field?
  7. Thank you for letting me know this and replying to my question so fast,But how do i apply to my own mission if its ok with you
  8. Hello I am new and sing up cause i was grateful for the help from this forum that allowed me to set up the COIN :D. I do have a question and that is can u connect the COIN module to a vehicle so u have to have the vehicle near u to build?