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About Xyrces

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  1. Hello, I'm sure the answer to my question is posted somewhere, but ive been through all the documentation and forum postings I could find and havent seen the answer to the issue I've been having. I tend to use this mod by hosting mp games filled with AI and the max number of capturable towns in an effort to have some epic-scale games (4-6 hours). With this mindset, I tend to think of myself as the commander and as such I never actually drive or fly myself anywhere. My issue is this: Once available, I usually take an osprey as my personal command vehicle. Ideally I would like to be able to give orders while in the air (not only to my pilot but also to other fireteams.) This has been an impossibility because I find that I black out once the plane is out of hover mode, which also blacks out my map....Is there a way for me to fix this?