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About dlocdizzle

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  1. dlocdizzle

    cannt run on windows 7

    sigh i know i should have just bought the new one, it sucks when u get a game and cant just play it, i dont even want to play against other people yet
  2. dlocdizzle

    cannt run on windows 7

    ok im sorry for trouble but i need a step by step, i just wanna play the game but my computer wont let me
  3. dlocdizzle

    cannt run on windows 7

    just installed Win7 64bit Intel Core 2 duo @2.5GHz 6GB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTx260m (With Latest Drivers) when i hit shortcut it loads these little boxes then it checks all of them but last one, tried to run in xp and 2000, no luck andy help?