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About MacBoy

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  1. MacBoy

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I don't know if this has been asked but I didn't have time to read 67 pages of posts. I downloaded Blastcore the other day and noticed when running the mod the Bradley M242 doesn't have any ammo and won't reload at veh service points either.
  2. It's not the ArmA 2 Patch that is smaller. The OA Patch to v1.55 that is also suposed to update your ArmA 2 to v1.08 is 100 mb smaller than to ArmA 2 patch to v1.08 alone.
  3. Quote from http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder〈= "This is the official update for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead from 1.50-1.54 version to 1.55. This patch will also update your original Arma 2 1.00-1.07 to 1.08 if necessary" File Size: 254 mb I'm not a rocket scientist but the patch for ARMA 2 from 1.00 to 1.08 is 323 mb. I downloaded the patch for OA from arma2.com, armedassault.info and armaholic.com you may have guessed by now that none of them worked. I'm shocked that three websites posted this patch and didn't actually test it. Error: Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data. ARMA2 OA ArmA 2 OA: Updating version 1.54 to version 1.55... Update 1.54-1.55\COMMON\AIR2.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 Some error occurred during patch installation. Patch file is probably dammaged. You may need to download it again. Error in file COMMON\air2.pbo, phase 1.
  4. I downloaded the older 2.29 and it worked fine. I restarted server with 2.54 and get everything but the strike and explosion. :(
  5. Just downloaded GLT F16 from here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5900 and missile box from here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6071. When I load the F16 in the editor and it gets destroyed it disappears. I've been using the old version of the F16 but couldn't lift it with wreck chopper in domination. Thought maybe new version would fix issue but has created a new one instead. I'm using the a2 config files. Any thoughts.