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Everything posted by Raggi77

  1. Raggi77

    Problem fps patch 1.05

    Yes.Thank you.
  2. Raggi77

    Problem fps patch 1.05

    :eek: No comment:) waiting for Patch 1.06 I play off-line,cause patch 1.04 I don't have other options.
  3. Raggi77

    Problem fps patch 1.05

    Incredible.instal patch 1.05 the game loses 10-15fps:(
  4. Raggi77

    Bad Stuttering

    I find this thread:) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=97273
  5. Raggi77

    Problem fps patch 1.05

    Delete arma2.cfg and restart game??ok save original and test Video memory setting Very high Thanks man:) ---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ---------- I remove arma2.cfg the problem persist. I tried to copy arma2.cfg patch 1.04 the problem persist:mad: I change all setting game.not resolved
  6. Raggi77

    Problem fps patch 1.05

    Tanks for the reply The problem persists on all occasions.Multilayer-campaign-sp mission I tested in a private room multiplayer mission domination with patch 1.04 and everything runs smoothly at 30-40 fps. with the patch 1.05 max 15-22 fps:confused: