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About sCreami

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  1. sCreami

    Linux 1.62.95577 alpha

    Yep it was that easy. Thanks to you, now I can run an ArmA 2 server 1.62 ACR on Debian Squeeze amd64 without errors !
  2. sCreami

    Linux 1.62.95577 alpha

    Do you have any ideas why am I getting this ? It doesn't recognize the config file but the command check does. ArmA 2 directory: /home/arma2co OK Server executable: /home/arma2co/server OK Port number: 2302 Config file: /home/arma2co/server.cfg OK PID file: /home/arma2co/2302.pid RUN file: /home/arma2co/2302.run WATCHDOG (12701): [mardi 7 août 2012, 21:57:16 (UTC+0200)] Starting server (port 2302)... 21:57:31 Dedicated host created. Include file home/arma2co/server.cfg not found. Cannot include file /home/arma2co/server.cfg Warning Message: Preprocessor failed on file /home/arma2co/server.cfg - error 1. String id 767 is not registered Cannot include file /home/arma2co/server.cfg Warning Message: Preprocessor failed on file /home/arma2co/server.cfg - error 1. String id 1608 is not registered Preprocessor failed on file /home/arma2co/server.cfg - error 1. 21:57:33 String id 757 is not registered