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About ediko911

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ediko911

    Warfare 1944 for "Invasion 1944 D-Day 1.1"

    Thanks for this. I don't care how buried this thread is, it still deserves some recognition, can't let all this work be for nothing eh?
  2. ediko911

    civillian conversation feature

    Oh yeah "I saw a west man, just here,just now" was really useful. I say it was good they removed it since it was more of a joke than a real feature. I was never able to decipher what they were trying to tell me. It is intended for mission makers and that's were it is better used.
  3. ediko911

    helicopter rearming question

    Or since all the answers here are probably wrong and not really related to your problem. I will assume that everything else reloads just fine (machine gun ammo, flares, ffars) and hellfires are the only ones that don't rearm. It's a bug in the mission. Just restart it and ALWAYS leave 1 hellfire. If you will have 0 they wont rearm. If you will have at least one they will. That's how it worked in my game. It's just a bug that's easy to overcome.
  4. ediko911

    ETA on next OA patch?

    2 weeks 4 days 5 hours 34 minutes and 15 seconds. Seriously when it's done it's done.
  5. Started with OFP than Arma now Arma 2 OA. Never got into mp. It was too laggy and didn't get me as attached. I'm not a mission editing pro either. The most complex missions I made are those that end with triggers. Still love the game though.
  6. Those guys? Alright.. Coopers voice was so annoying that I pressed fn+f8(mute all sound) every time he made a long speech. More so I was feeling that I was in a kindergarten group rather than a squad. I was thinking that army makes men out of boys, obviously I was wrong since exact the opposite was happening with that machine-gunner and medic. That was the biggest flaw in Harvest red. That and warfare... and bugs, and the storyline.... other than that the whole idea of the campaign was good. The missions without preplanned objectives felt great, shame there was no normal grunt action with good characters.
  7. ediko911

    Red Harvest FPS versus OA main campaign ?

    It's not just the units. There is also a huge amount of scripts, triggers, waypoints, all the voices need to be triggered, units spawned, removed etc etc there really is a lot of stuff going on in the background. Pretty much the only way you could play it all without lags is to lower the graphics even more. I know it looks awful, I tried it myself and I better tolerate some lag than make my eye's hurt with those graphics. BTW different missions handle differently. For example you might get more FPS in the first one's and less in the last few missions, which have a lot of units. Sorry I can't be really helpful here. Have you tried gamebooster btw? I use it since arma 1 and it's the only thing that keeps my FPS at least playable, well that and my cooler which barely keeps my notebook cool :D . BTW. OA is really strange. It works better for some and it decreases performance for others. Well it does both of those at the same time for me. It has flawless performance in the desert, and all takistan cities but performance really drops in green zones and Zargabad. Campaign worked perfectly except the mission in Zargabad which lagged a lot. All in all I would recommend you to get it. It's much more enjoyable in the editor anyway.
  8. ediko911

    Red Harvest FPS versus OA main campaign ?

    25-30 fps is unbearable for you? Stop whining. My fps NEVER exceeds 20 and I don't mind. My pc isn't the worst either. Try 15 FPS which is average for me most of the times and then well talk. I will just never understand those FPS addicts that can't enjoy a game without 300 FPS :( . Anyway, campaigns lag because of the big quantity of scripts, triggers, objectives, objects etc. I once tried to open the campaign in the editor and I was shocked by the amount of stuff there. It's more like 300 units in the editor, not 50 as you mention. Just lower the graphics when playing campaigns as I do.
  9. ediko911


    It really is strange how BIS try's to create the most realistic game out there and creates such unrealistic and silly campaign's, while CoD for example create arcadish games and try to make the most serious and deep campaigns. Funny heh?
  10. ediko911

    Voice Acting?

    All, move to, that tree, 12 o clock (88,1kb image for those who count)
  11. ediko911

    hellfire serverly underpowed

    I can't find any sources on hellfire blast radius but I am pretty sure it would be effective against infantry. It's not like a sabot round of a tank that is pretty much like a cannonball. It should and probably would kill infantry in it's impact zone. Right now I have to actually hit the infantry to kill it.
  12. ediko911

    hellfire serverly underpowed

    And what are you talking about? He didn't complain about hellfire locking time. He complained about hellfires damage radius for infantry which is rather low. I too often haven't killed infantry with hellfires since they only damage them at 2~3 meter radius.
  13. ediko911

    hellfire serverly underpowed

    Actually you can't. He said it would be a nice feature. I think ACE has this feature though.
  14. ediko911

    Game physics

    Don't get me started on those rocks. In that OA campaign mission which was supposed to be a hostage rescue, those rocks forced me to restart the mission twice (and I had to restart it even more often cause of lack of time). I was walking downhill getting in position when one of my squad-mates asks where I am. I was surprised since I walked slowly so I issued an move order. He didn't come and I went to see what's wrong there. To my surprise he has stepped on a rock and was constantly jumping up and down. He couldn't get off he was just falling on the ground and then bouncing up again. So I thought I will help him and went behind him to try and push a little. After that I was trapped myself in this never ending loop. This happened twice... Oh and I remember how my abrams hit a little rock and flew 10 meters high, oh and how a suv touched the rock and flew high in the air and flipped. This nonsense is happening all the time. Come on BIS add at least some physics to the game. It gets ridiculous to try and play a serious mission only to get high in the air with a 100 ton tank just because you touched a little rock.
  15. ediko911

    Will I be disappointed again?

    Who made the campaign for OFP and Resistance? Red Hammer wasn't as good as they were, however it still was better than Arma2 campaign. BIS seriusly try to recreate those campaigns, study them or something. I played through them for god knows how many times with different FFURS and other mods, ah good times. They were hard as hell, I always was the only survivor. But they had great story, (not the complete picture but more of the character story I would say) atmosphere, re-playability, fun etc. Man just remembering them I want to play through them again . OA campaign was good (kind of) but not OFP good. It had different missions for different people but why don't I remember any of it's characters? I still remember David Armstrong, that tank guy who was calling his tank mister abrams, and the blackhawk pilot that wondered why they gave him an attack chopper. I think the new campaigns lack notes. Well there are mission notes but they have the same info as the tasks and description. OFP notes were the characters describing their feelings, situations and so on. I know the campaigns aren't the main focus in BIS games. But I still didn't learn more about the editor than setting some random waypoints and blasting some enemies, couldn't even make the enemy have reinforcements, so the campaigns still remain one of the main fun for me and some other people.