Have to say I like the game, combines some strategy with first person shooter.. But before I buy, I just have a few questions if someone would be so kind to try and answer.. screenshots always help..
1. Does your profile actually keep track of stats? Kills, etc..
2. What actually shows up under the Armory? Weapons you purchased? Is that the only means of getting newer weapons, equipment? or do you earn them for completing achievements of some sort.
3. Demo is a little buggy, assuming the patches have fixed a ton? Even the basic training missions were bugged?
4. Multiplayer seems a little dead? normal or just because demo only has access to play with other newbies?
5.Sorta a follow up to question 1, after missions is there a summary of some sort? all I saw was list of objectives completed.
6. I do like playing certain aspects of the game with a gamepad such as driving. I tested with the xbox controller.. The demo didnt let me customize, is that true of the real game?
I have more, but will start with these.. thanks all for any sort of response...