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Posts posted by BANDIT2338

  1. complete? :O goliath pls you have to add the 3 medevac support options!

    make that all guys are standing next to the medevac and when you choose the type of support the needed ones get in!

    would be awesome if you make medic support where a team of medics comes down and build up a tent and heal every one.

    or bad ass weapon support where heavy armed guys come with and build up a static machine gun.

    :P and for party the sexy chick support:P

    anyway gonna test it soon again.got to work a lot so i dont get to play arma

  2. could you do the same with a ironman costume?:P the suit stands around and you enter it and fly around and stuff:P

    anyway you need to add a point to enter this.........

    and if you can higher the explosion power:D love that^^

    and if you can change the animation or fit the model to the animation.it dont need to be a standart jetpack:P

  3. screens comes later for the blue messages.i am playing this evening with my buddy again and thanks a lot for continuing this!!!!!! its really one of my favourite addons!

    but pls check the after dead error.........

    and hey i want that sexy support;) some nice chicks which jump down from the helicopter and heal you (really set all dmg to 0 and maybe repair all cars and stuff in reach)and bomb away any enemy in your way:P

    well if you aint doing this you should atleast do this:(BUT PLLLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSS:D do it)

    add some smokes when the heli comes and gives weapon support:P would be cool.out of the smoke comes the death^^

    and if you do medical support aswell then let them make some tents and heal you(set dmg to 0)

    and maybe if possible Repair support:

    some mechanics come and repair damaged or if possible destroyed objects in reach

  4. i dont know if its because of the revive mod from norrin i got installed.........after every dead i am losing the ability to call that heli.........everything else works just fine........exept my teammember dont seem to got the ability to call them aswell when i got the menu........for some reason only one can call the medevac......

    when i got the menu then he doesnt.........and when he got it then i dont.........

    but that "call up" error after leavin a vehicle is gone!

    great version! you almost got it done^^

  5. hey i am really a noob when it comes to scripting but i would like to make a nice idea of mine real:P

    i want a gun that when its fired makes the people dance.

    like in the movie "rock that body"

    i managed to make guys dance and i managed to create the weapon for it...

    also trying to create a weapon which looks like the guns of the video

    but what do i have to do to have this weapon make them dance instead of killing them?

    when i reduced the damaged it didnt kill them but also didnt made anything else......

    after the dance they should get killed^^

    would be awesome if you guys could give me some tips^^

  6. http://video.libero.it/app/play?id=fc897e2b8464b0a4baf361921747f317

    check out that video(you guys sure know it)

    in that video they got that nice gun which makes the people dance.........

    i was thinking about the same for arma^^

    arma 2 has so much animations that its sure possible....lets say one shot(which inflicts no damage but makes you dance for 30secs or more(would be cool if its possible to change)

    i would even make the dance by myself but i would need someone to help me or even make it that far so the gun is ready and just the animations have to be added.......

    or some very strong tuts to help me? but maybe someone also likes this idea(hopefully) and helps me making a freaking awesome weapon^^

    and on every shot: "ROCK THAT BODY"

    cooldown like 10secs or something.so anybody likes it? and up to help me in a huge way?
