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Everything posted by BANDIT2338

  1. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    now think about a whole mission with vehicle entering and leaving........... pls fix something about it! and pls tell what are you up to?^^ what ideas you are planning to implent?
  2. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    @third up: try to enter another vehicle and leave it instantly.....then i get that message for sure and thats why its annoying me........ you know i cant fight like this! so pls this a awesome addon pls make it useable over the radio.....or do something........ here you go...............just used that mission you posted before........it also works with every other version of your addon: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v347/BANDIT228/Unbenannt-16.jpg i just walked by a MV-22 i saw take seat as pilot(or something) then i turned right and walked away and there you go......... also another option for "land" beside of "RTB" would be cool and sure helpfull
  3. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    well i tested it right now and it works! for both! medevac starts perfectly and red smoke and everything works........ but you really have to fix that bug with the "call in medevac" option.....no matter what i do i got it whole time in middle of my screen....pls make that over radio or fix it some kind....sucks when you leave a vehicle and want to join combat with that in the middle^^
  4. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    cant tell right now about mp but when you make that menu with different options like i suggested before what about this? XXX support:heli comes and lands.now 5 hot chicks get out of the heli and start dancing in front of you:P just a idea:P you should really add some options for support^^ maybe everything in the radio menu......that would fix that bug with the "call medevac" option imediatly.....it gets really annoying during gameplay when you leave a vehicle and see that message directly in the middle..... and it would be cool if you could add a special marker for on house landing or directly carrier landing. cant wait to see it work:P
  5. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    mhm a house? so it aint possible for you to force him to land right?
  6. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    well i tested that but oh well..........you should try out by urself! when i added that line like you said it kinda works really fine! the heli starts from the carrier........comes to me.........BUT when i order RTB it flys back to the carrier......but he doesnt land.......he stands in the air....some mins later a message comes"medevac support is now available" but he still hovers in the air.......when i now request medevac he says medevac is under attack........ also i have some probs with the menu option "call medevac" after i leave a vehicle or run near a ammo box i get that option to call medevac everytime displayed in the middle of the screen.....like if you wanna enter some vehicle when you get near it and see "enter vehicle" that is like you can understand a little bit annoying......... also multiplayer..........i synchronized the medevac module with game logic and two chooseable classes.when i play both i can call the medevac.....but when someone enters my server and plays one of the classes he cant call for him.really sad that only i can call for him.ERROR MEssage:there is no player synchronized.........bla bla maybe you could add the menu for calling medevac in the radio commands? would kinda fit cause you call it via radio(atleast with the sounds) also what about some other options like: get us out of here: heli comes pretty fast,catch you up and returns to base Army support: heli comes........drops some smokes and granades around a area of 10meters and a bunch of fully heavy armed soldiers come out the heli and search the area for enemys. medic supports:heli comes and a lot of medics come out and place a medic tent near the heli and start healing and stuff. looking forward to the next version!
  7. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    thanks a lot!
  8. BANDIT2338

    Medevac Module

    can you pls add something so you can set the height of the medevac? i want to use the medevac as something like a emergency transporter.... on utes i would like to place him on the carrier. problem is when i use it with game logic ur addon places it in height 0....that means the medevac is about to crash right at the beginning....without game logic i was able to manipulate the starting.sys to reset the the mm_mk1 to the point of the carrier........also there i was able to set the height....(i think at least) everything works fine when i use RTB.i enter the vehicle and get transported back to base......the medevac flys perfectly to that point but then it dissapears>< and i fall into the ocean....with gamelogic........it doesnt even start..... could you maybe do something to fix that?